Totem Talk

Working With The Animal Totems

Dreaming a new language: Above Animal = Centering = Porpoise = Emotional

luluaussi - hello Michael, Porpoise: Emotional Center/Intellectual part

Michael_Entity - This fragment's "point of access" to the dreamtime, or to other dimensions of consciousness, would be through the corresponding HIGHER EMOTIONAL CENTER, (+ pole of LOVE) and BREATH, or LIFE FORCE ENERGY (manna). Through the breath itself is this fragment able to "dance" through the primordial "sea of consciousness" and to return to the surface once more with her prized "finds" and purposes in the current lifetime. The positive pole of the higher emotional center is LOVE, and the negative pole is EMPATHY. The only reason that EMPATHY is considered a negative pole association in this case is due to the fact that it is often SUBJECTIVELY experienced, rather than being more CAUSALLY based, as is the case with the state of LOVE itself.

luluaussi - ok I get that...

Michael_Entity - LOVE is an active expression of essence, while empathy would reflect the more passive aspect of the same experience. Empathy is also a way of 'tuning into' another's feelings, be they human, cetacean or animal species in essence.

luluaussi - so the Being of rather than the Sensing of?

Michael_Entity - It is however, more of a passive or receptive state, while LOVE is an actively engaged and more CONSCIOUS "choice" to LOVE that particular person, place or thing. Thus, through utilizing the BREATH OF LIFE, in combination with an ACTIVE CHOICE to LOVE that which is "contacted" in this manner, would produce the most desirable results for this fragment, we would think. LOVE involves the conscious CHOICE and AWARENESS *TO* LOVE, while EMPATHY is merely the "essential response" to direct essence contact with another living being. When in EMPATHY, you are simply "feeling" what that fragment, or animal species "feels", you are not necessarily actively LOVING them, you see.

luluaussi - yes I do....see

Michael_Entity - You are more directly impacted BY them, than you are are able to actually LOVE them in the moment, that is to say. This is why the higher emotional center has a positive pole of LOVE and a negative pole of EMPATHY. Positive poles are CAUSALLY BASED states of being, and the "negative" poles are more subjectively experienced states of being. There is nothing particulary "negative" about empathy; it is simply a more subjectively experienced state of being. Porpoises and dolphins, are extremely sensitive to and aware of telepathic and empathic "modes" of communication, and thus are truly OPEN conduits for such forms of communication to occur for this fragment.

luluaussi - they have been speaking to me since childhood, in waking and dreaming

Michael_Entity - One way that this fragment can use to shift from the subjective side of the experience to the objective, causal side of the experience is through simply BREATHING and remembering to focus on the LOVE of essence for that person, place or thing.

[ TB: Very interesting Toni. Yes, you have a very active and communicative totem in this position.]

Michael_Entity - Dolphins and Whales are of particular "interest" to human beings due to the fact that they are the only other individually ensouled species on the planet. In this way, they are not truly "animal" totems per se; they are alternative forms of sentient, ensouled species, just like humans in fact.

luluaussi - have always called them family :)

Michael_Entity - Thus, to call a cetacean an "animal totem" is not quite "correct" as we see the term to mean and to imply. Animal Essences are structured around a hive soul concept, which is not true of the cetaceans. The cetacean "spiritual" construct is that of an individually ensouled species, just like human kind. Their FOCUS upon the physical plane is simply different, however, and encompasses the UNDERSEA reality while human conscious is exploring the ABOVE sea perspective. Dolphins, and porpoises, are the true BRIDGE species between human and "sentient" animal species and as such, also represents the bridge between human and other 'alien' forms of Conscious as well.

luluaussi - I have my within and my north Chimpanzee and Gorilla that are moving toward ensoulment is this related?

Michael_Entity - This is one reason that the Dolphin/Porpoise has been so strongly associated with certain "alien" or extra-terrestral 'visitors' by humans who have sensed the individually ensouled awareness within their awareness itself. Yes, they are indeed. And, you as a SAGE role in essence are a perfect 'choice' on their part, from their point of view, through which to explore such conscious and direction communication BETWEEN the species.That's why we say that Dolphin/Porpoise is the true representative of "interspecies communication".

luluaussi - ok what I was getting was that I am kind of like a conduit? dreaming a new communication into being? {trying to grasp the image} I'm getting images of spiraling into and around

Michael_Entity - Chimp and Gorilla are also highly intelligent animal species who are closely connected with the development of the human species on the physical plane as well. They enjoy "observing" all of the subtle nuances of human/cetacean communication, (within your energy fields and "sacred circle" dynamics) and they enjoy watching HOW you do this on all levels of awareness: intellectually, emotionally and physically. They are LEARNING that is to say, through observing the dynamics between the fragment Toni herself, and the Cetacean "pods" with whom she is in direct essence contact.

luluaussi - and teary, too because I can feel very strong love flow

Michael_Entity - It is not unlike children watching adults at work, play, etc, and learning much from such exposure. Dreaming a new FORM of communication into being is not an inaccurate way of stating it, yes.

Dreaming a new state of INTERSPECIES communication, as well as inter-personal communication between self and others of your own species is all part of this experience for this fragment.

luluaussi - seems like such a tall order I "get" it but it is hard to communicate it on this plane

Michael_Entity - This fragment possesses a very FLUID form of awareness, which allows her to expand her consciousness into many different areas of exploration, and to "remember" them consciously upon her return to the waking state.It is nothing that you do not do naturally already Toni, from our point of view. You have been doing so all of your life, as you said earlier in your comments to us.

luluaussi - at least so others don't think I'm nuts.. yeah and folks have thought I was nuts :)

Michael_Entity - Yes, it is not easily expressed, but is quite natural to this fragment to actually EXPERIENCE and EXPLORE in the sea of consciousness that surrounds her day and night.

luluaussi - so am what I'm doing now with my stories a new form of communication?

Michael_Entity - The primary IMPORTANCE in this instance is to recognize when you are coming from the OBJECTIVE/CAUSAL positive pole perspective, or from the SUBJECTIVE/AFFECTED negative pole of the experience. You will naturally feel more 'in charge' and 'in control' of the experience when you are coming from the former, and from the LOVE of essence itself in your dealings with all of 'the voices" you may hear in your head

luluaussi - ok , it is feeling very fluid right now so would that be the positive pole?

Michael_Entity - You are exploring a wide range of COMMUNICATION experiences, as a SAGE and these are not limited to Human communication alone. When you are feeling the LOVE of essence flowing through the experience, you are in the positive pole of the experience.

When you are subjectively experiencing OTHER'S THOUGHTS, FEELINGS AND STATES OF BEING, you are in the negative pole of the experience. Simply put. That is how you can tell which pole you are using at any given moment in time.

luluaussi - so knee jerk reaction would be negative pole

Michael_Entity - Love is an ACTION, not a FEELING. This is another way that you will know when you are accessing the ABOVE direction through the positive pole gateway of the experience. yes, because you are REACTING, not ACTING. RE-SPONSE-ABILITY is not the same thing as REACTION. When you are acting RESPONSE-ABLY, you are coming from essence.

luluaussi - wow I am really kind of overwhelmed with input for them right's a clicking off of a thousand ideas and images at once

Michael_Entity - When you are REACTING to something or someone, you are coming from false personality and the related fears that go along with it. Focus on this ONE idea then for now:


luluaussi - I see it.

My experience during this last class was quite profound and an absolutely visceral one. I was presented with image after image all swirling together, spiraling round, but completely understood. I could "see" all of my animal guides and what part of my puzzle they fit in learning how to communicate on many levels and it was being presented to me by a very warm loving female energy and despite being given an almost overwhelming amount of input I just seemed to "get" it. I knew that they were all telling me that I shouldn't be afraid of such a tall order....this idea of creating a new form of inter-species communication and knowing that in some way that I am through my Within and Mentor teachers what I was being shown ....that I am a bridge to this was overwhelming to say the least. But.....I have no idea of how to accomplish this. I've asked her to show me. The following day I went to my park, sat on my rock at the falls and tried to focus only on the sound of the water. I felt a sense of calm and then came the scent of salt in the air and I knew she was with me. Unfortunately I had to work....then early this morning a large gust of wind blew in...I love the Spring and and have always loved the transitional seasons and can have the roared in a loud noise it startled me awake. As I settled back to sleep my head was filled with wave after wave of symbols that look like dits and dots and chevrons in layered lines and green and blue my head I said I understood, but now of course after waking I don't have a clue.....

 Photograph by Peter Verhoog, Fjord&Bælt.

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