Totem Talk

Working With The Animal Totems




This group is a place to post and to share your favorite poems, prose and prayers, whether from your own writings or from the writings of others that have spoken to you in some way makes no difference. All "inspired" writings are welcome here.

Members: 15
Latest Activity: Nov 24, 2017


The poet is truly the thief of fire. He is responsible for humanity, for animals even; he will have to make sure his visions can be smelled, fondled, listened to; if what he brings back from beyond has form, he gives it form; if it has none, he gives it none. A language must be found…of the soul, for the soul and ... will include everything: perfumes, sounds colors, thought grappling with thought." ~ Arthur Rimbaud


Obligations of the True Path Walkers

To bring back the natural harmony that humans once enjoyed.
To save the planet from present practices of destruction.
To find and re-employ real truth.
To promote true balance between both genders.
To share and be less materialistic.
To become rid of prejudice.
To learn to be related.

To be kind to animals and take no more than we need.
To play with one's children and love each equally and fairly.
To be brave and courageous, enough so,
to take a stand and make a commitment.
To understand what Generations Unborn really means.
To accept the Great Mystery
in order to end foolish argument over religion.


World Prayers - Gathering the great prayers from all spiritual traditions around the world into a unified nonprofit archive; for the purpose of inspiration, study and cross cultural appreciation.



[NOTE: You can READ ONLY as a non-member of this group. To START A DISCUSSION and/or to COMMENT on the group discussions, you must first JOIN the group. If you choose to become a member, but do not wish to receive group activity notices, simply click the STOP FOLLOWING option on the MEMBERS box to the right and they will stop.]

Discussion Forum

"Hidden from View" 2 Replies

Hidden From View!They made us many promises but kept only oneThey promised that they would take our land, and didThey made us treaties but they never kept oneWe signed treaties with them and kept…Continue

Started by Douglas (Spirit Bear) Neely. Last reply by Douglas (Spirit Bear) Neely May 31, 2013.

"A Warrior's Lament" new as of Memorial Day 2010! 2 Replies

A Warrior’s Lament!A young child grows into adulthood sees the countryIn turmoil, one people fighting another people, for what?Is the battle justified or is the battle not justified?And justified in…Continue

Tags: lament, day, memorial

Started by Douglas (Spirit Bear) Neely. Last reply by Terri Benning May 31, 2010.

"For This We Are Thankful!" 1 Reply

In the Sundance Circle we honor the Great Creator to him we owe all,for this we are thankful, we sing to him,he is the ruler over all, he directs the Eagles wings to shield us,and the Bear to protect…Continue

Started by Douglas (Spirit Bear) Neely. Last reply by Terri Benning May 25, 2010.

Silence 1 Reply

SILENCE!may the silence make you Strong in this walkmay the silence make you Introspectively reactmay the silence make you Learn the Creator’s planmay the silence make you Educate your youngmay the…Continue

Tags: Silence

Started by Douglas (Spirit Bear) Neely. Last reply by Terri Benning May 20, 2010.

Welcome to the site and to our new Totem Talk community! This site was created to provide a place for those who both love Arvel Bird's awesome music, as well as for those who may have an interest in learning more about their own personal animal totems, to gather, to learn and to meet new people and make new friends. To read the rest of this welcome message, and to learn how to use the site features, please click on the link provided below: Thank you, and best blessings to you!


You need to be a member of POEMS, PROSE and PRAYERS to add comments!

Comment by Terri Benning on May 20, 2010 at 10:15am
Hi Morning Star,

I checked out the link below and it seems to be working fine from my end, but I did get the same message you got when I changed the capital letters to lower case in URL. Try this one again and see if it works for you this time.


If not, I'm not sure why you're getting that message. Perhaps you could try copy and pasting it into the URL window field and see if that works. Otherwise, I'm not quite sure what's up with that, other than the fact that the URL you posted below is cut off at the end. Was that what you used to try to get there? Thanks for letting me know about it though, I appreciate it.

Is anyone else having a problem with that link? It works okay for me, but just thought I'd ask. Thanks! :-) Terri
Comment by Morningstar on May 20, 2010 at 8:33am
A SIOUX PRAYER ~ Translated by Chief Yellow Lark - 1887
A Sioux Prayer by Chief Yellow Lark - 1887 Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the winds Whose breath gives life to the world, hear me I come to you a…
Tagged: SIOUX, PRAYER, [1887], Lark, Yellow
Started by Terri Benning 15 hours ago.

There is something wrong with the addy on this link.
Comment by Morningstar on May 20, 2010 at 8:28am
Mother of the Stars...
Her hair is long and Black
as a ravens' feather...
Her eyes as Blue as the pool in the sky...
Iam swimming in her eyes
and I feel she can see into my soul...
She breathes the breath of spring
And She planted a seed in the scarlet valley
of my heart of hearts...
She is the Sacred Mother..and the Rose of my heart...
Iam holding a white candle and Staring at the flame
as suddenly it becomes two flames kissing each other...
My Eternal Soul-Mate..and tonight She danced for me...
Mother of the Stars...
By Glen
Comment by Terri Benning on May 19, 2010 at 9:37pm
Before all else, SILENCE. Silence is definitely "divinely inspired" because everything else emerges from that place of becoming "the silent witness" to All That Is. It is the place from which all else arises.

A very powerful place to come from, and to return to, as often as possible.
Comment by Douglas (Spirit Bear) Neely on May 19, 2010 at 8:40pm
Thank you for giving "Silence!" a voice! And thank you for your beautiful words of encouragement! I came up with the idea behind "Silence" while walking around the lake at Seven Eagles Lodge's "Lost Arts Festival 2010" on Saturday May 15, 2010. Since that walk, I have constantly been seeing out of the corner of my eyes movements sometimes they will be objects then shadows! I'm not sure at this point what to think of it!

It's not much but I hope someone gets something out of it they can use!
Comment by Terri Benning on May 19, 2010 at 8:36pm
Hi Kelly,

Here is a link to the artist who created the two images I used for this group. Her work is amazing! You'll love perusing her pages no doubt.

Comment by Terri Benning on May 19, 2010 at 8:16pm
Hi Douglas,

Out of the SILENCE emerged this new group! Thank YOU for sharing the gift of your "silent thoughts" with us. It is a truly elegant expression of the divine intention within. Very beautiful! :-)
Comment by Douglas (Spirit Bear) Neely on May 19, 2010 at 7:57pm

may the silence make you Strong in this walk
may the silence make you Introspectively react
may the silence make you Learn the Creator’s plan
may the silence make you Educate your young
may the silence make you Need Creator’s love
may the silence make you Care for the earth
may the silence make you Each love the other!

Douglas (Spirit Bear) Neely
May 19, 2010
Comment by Douglas (Spirit Bear) Neely on May 19, 2010 at 7:56pm
First of all Thank You Terri for creating this group!
Comment by Kelly Johnson on May 19, 2010 at 7:14pm
beautiful site sis...thanks for the invite

that art looks like Apache art

Members (14)


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