“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
What brings you to this website?
My dearest Old friend Terri and our ongoing work with the animal spirits. It was when I started my Shamanic studies that I realized that there is truly nothing more satisfying for me in this life than my spiritual path ... I wish to learn more and also to begin to share what wisdom I've learnt.
Do you have a special animal totem that has come to you?
Golden Eagle, my Within visited me in today's morning meditation :) (May, 7th, 2011)
If you are a Michael Student, and currently enrolled in the AW Class Series, you are invited to post your own animal totems here.
List Your 9 Traditional Animal Totem Positions Here:
1. East ~ Dragonfly
2. South ~ Swan
3. West ~ Orangutan
4. North ~ Arctic Wolf
5. Above ~ Desert Hare
6. Within ~ Golden Eagle
7. Below ~ Canine (morphs between Wolf, Coyote, Dog)
8. Right Side ~ (Male) ~ Ibis
9. Left Side ~ (Female) ~ Sea Horse
List Your 13 Position Support Circle Animals Here:
1. LOVE ~ Panda Bear
2. KNOWLEDGE ~ Alaskan Caribou
3. COMPASSION ~ Great Blue Heron
6. CHILD ~
7. HUMOR ~
10. HEALER ~
12. MUSE ~
13. POWER [Within] ~ Golden Eagle
If you are a Michael Student, add your Overleaves Here:
Soul Age: 5th Old
Role: Artisan
Mode: Aggression
Goal: Acceptance
Attitude: Spiritualist
Center: Emotional
Part of Center: Moving
Primary NCF: Stubbornness
Secondary NCF: Impatience
Body Type: Martial / Lunar
If you are a Michael Student, add your Full Casting Information Here:
Cadre: 1 ~ Love cadre
Entity: 1 ~ (Server) ~ The Pathfinder Entity
Block: 7 ~ (King) ~ Underlying Motivation = MASTERY
Row: 2 ~ (Artisan) ~ Global Job = MANIFESTATION
Casting Position: 5 ~ (Sage) ~ Community Responsibility = CONTRAST
Side: Love
Raw #: 649
What are some of your favorite Shamanic Journeying CD's, Musicians, and Music?
THANK YOU, my dear friend, for all that you do to help out and for your warmth, caring and friendship in my life.
From one old Panda Bear to another, this HUG is for you!
Beautiful blessings to you! OXO, Ter
Very nice page theme design, Janno! One of my favorites as well. :-) And I'm happy to see you've posted your videos too! :-) You've made some very nice ones, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of them in the future too. :-)
In keeping with your new theme graphics, I'm sending an old friend over to visit you today. My Mr. Muse himself. :-D Hope you're having fun this weekend ... see you at the chat tonight, if you're still awake of course. :-) Later, my friend. :-)
Hey Janno, ... okay, you are now added to the site ADMIN, team! Thanks so much for stepping up to the plate on that one! I really appreciate it! I'll be in touch soon with more details for you. :-) Right now, have to rest my eyes after MUCH typing the last few days. Need to go out and do some shopping too, come to think of it ... :-) Talk to you again soon. Oh, glad you liked the graphic too. :-) Love and hugs to you, Terri
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Hello, and thank you. :) ^. . ^From one old Panda Bear to another, this HUG is for you!
Beautiful blessings to you! OXO, Ter
"Do SOMETHING! Lead, follow or get out of the way!" :-)
Always loved that one too. :-) OXO, Terri
In keeping with your new theme graphics, I'm sending an old friend over to visit you today. My Mr. Muse himself. :-D Hope you're having fun this weekend ... see you at the chat tonight, if you're still awake of course. :-) Later, my friend. :-)