This group is a place to post and to discuss DREAMS and JOURNEYS with the animal totems that come to you in the "lucid" dreaming (or waking) state, the night-time dream state, through shamanic journeys, and in actual physical form in your daily life.
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  • Douglas (Spirit Bear) Neely

    Terri; I have walked the face of this grand land the creator has graciously loaned to us for many snows! I have several phylosophies I have learned to guide me along the journey! The first is as simple as this, Eliminate negative thoughts, and people! Life is far to short to be troubled by such foolishness! The second is this, Eliminate worry it is nothing more than a waste of energy, worrying is going to change nothing! The Creator has already decided what is to be and we can not sway the Creators mind with worry because worry is a negative energy! If we hyave the faith that is required of us, we will have the positive faithful beleive that the Creator will see us through any situation! More to follow next time!

    Blessings to All!
  • Jen Dowdy

    I am excited to learn more about totem animals in dreams, journeying, and the like. I have dreamed of several types of animals in my life, but most frequently I dream of tigers. Have done so for many years, even before I found out about totem animals fully and the like. The one type of dream I have, though, that somewhat eludes me is one I have had 3 times in my life. It is of a tiger killing me, although the circumstances are different. The last time, which was a few months ago, I was struggling with the cat for a short time before succumbing to his jaws. I've read of meanings for defeating the tiger after a struggle online and elsewhere, but not so much if the animal kills you. I would have to look at my journal to see what I was thinking about that day before the dream, but I don't remember anything in particular that would have triggered it.

  • Tom Willis

    What i find amazing about Animal totems is how consistent they are across cultures. For example, the Native Americans, Celtics, Chinese and Greeks all believe that the moth represents a loved one's soul.