SPIRIT of the POLAR BEAR: Solitude, adversity, rebirth, dreams, transformation, patience, communication with the spirit, dreams for shamans, mystics, defensive, strength, protection, swimmer, can break through emotional barriers.
Polar Bear's message:
"Take heart, have courage, build your strength, then MOVE!"
See also BEAR on Totem Talk:
Polar Bear's Wisdom Includes:
- Ability to navigate along the Earth’s magnetic lines
- Introspection
- Solitude
- Expert swimmer through emotional waters
- Finding one way back from the brink
- Ability to find sustenance in barren landscapes
- Strength in the face of adversity
- Communication with Spirit
- Dreams
- Death and rebirth
- Transformation
- Creature of dreams, shamans, mystics and visionaries
- Defense and revenge
The Polar Bear
Polar bears are outstanding hunters. They are the most aggressive and carnivorous of all bears. They hold the same characteristics as other bears although the polar does have specific traits inherent to it. Those with this totem should also read the information presented on bears in general for a deeper understanding of this powerful medicine.
The polar bear weighs up to 1600 pounds and can knock a 500 pound seal out of the water with one blow. They are incredibly strong and more adaptable than other bears. This adaptability compliments their excellent survival skills. Those with this medicine have karmic challenges associated with flexibility, change and stubbornness and should ask the polar for help in overcoming these obstacles.
The polar will observe a situation completely before they act. They know how to conserve their strength as well as their energy and use both at the most appropriate time for the best outcome. This is one of the lessons that it teaches. Those with this totem would benefit by learning the art of energy management.
Polar bears have no enemies in the animal kingdom. Their only enemy is the human hunter. They are intelligent and fearless. Because of this native tribes throughout history have recognized the polar as a desirable ally and spirit helper.
The white color associated with the polar bear is very significant. It represents "purity of spirit." Since this bear is fearless and the energy of spirit only flows when fear is absent, the polar serves as a valuable ally in overcoming fear, both physical and mental.
The polar is known as the "Ice Man" in some native tribes because of its preferences for hunting on sea ice. The environment in which it appears to us is symbolic. If the polar were spotted walking on ice its message would be connected to the frozen emotions stored within oneself and the need for allowing those emotions to express themselves. If it is seen foraging for food, nourishment and replenishment of the body, mind and spirit would be its message. It is important to watch the polar bear to understand what it is trying to tell you. When it enters your life the awakening of your own true colors is at hand.
Polar Bear (Mato ska)
The polar bear ranges the frigid Arctic, living where no other four-legged can survive. Patience, resolution, and a solitary life are some of it's major characteristics, but endurance is the key word for this representative of the north.
Other than a female with cubs, Mato ska keeps to itself and out on the pack ice where it spends most of its life hunting its favorite food, the ringed seal. The bear's white camouflage, keen sense of smell, sharp claws, and patience enables it to catch the seal when it surfaces to breath at holes or openings in the leads or edges of ice. Its strength, stamina, and speed make it a feared animal when it leaves the ice pack and comes south for a brief time to mate.
Polar bear tells us to keep endurance in mind as we journey and explore along the Natural Way. Polar bear wants us to remember the earth knowledge that we receive. "Let the worthwhile information endure within so that you can better protect the animals and Mother Earth."

Polar Bear, Power Animal, Symbol of Purity, Death, Rebirth, Transformation http://www.shamanicjourney.com/article/6130/polar-bear-power-animal... By Ina Woolcott Polar bear's medicine includes the ability to navigate along the earth’s magnetic lines , introspection, ability to find sustenance in barren landscapes, purity of spirit, strength in the face of adversity, solitude, expert swimmer through emotional waters, finding ones way back from the brink, communication with Spirit, dreams, death and rebirth, transformation, creature of dreams, shamans, mystics and visionaries, defence and revenge Intelligent and fearless, native tribes throughout history have held the polar as a desirable ally and spirit helper. The white colour of the polar bear is very significant indeed, for it represents purity of spirit. As this bear is fearless and the universal energy only flows when fear is absent, the polar serves as a valuable ally in getting past fear, both physically and mentally.
To the Eskimo and Inuit peoples this animal is a source of both physical and spiritual nourishment. On a spiritual level, the polar bear is regarded as the embodiment of the spirit of the North, an animal who possesses ancient wisdom and has shamanic powers. Of the bear family the polar is the most aggressive and carnivorous. They are exceptional hunters. Polar bears weigh up to 1600 lbs and are able to knock a 500lb seal out of the water with one blow. Incredibly strong, they are far more adaptable than other bear which is well suited to their excellent survival skills. Though they are one of the largest land carnivores, they are still capable of great speed on both ice and earth. They are able to swim 100 miles non-stop. Although they have the same characteristics as other bears, the polar does have specific traits inherent to it. If this is your power animal you should read up on the information available about bears in general for a deeper understanding of this powerful medicine. If polar bear is (one of) your guide, you will have challenges linked with flexibility, change and stubbornness and should ask the polar for assistance in overcoming these obstacles. Prior to acting the polar will observe the situation beforehand. They know how exactly how preserve their energy and strength and use both at the most appropriate time for the best outcome. This is just one of the lessons to be learned form the polar. Perhaps if this is your power animal, you would benefit by learning the art of energy management. Within the animal kingdom the polar has no enemies. However, they do have but one enemy - the human hunter. The polar is known as the "Ice Man" amongst some native tribes due to its preference for hunting on sea ice. How the polar appears to us is symbolic. If the polar were seen walking on ice, the message would be connected to the frozen, blocked, emotions stored within us and the need for allowing those emotions free flow, to express themselves. If seen looking for food, nourishment and replenishment of the body, mind and spirit would be the message. It is very important to watch the polar to get the right message.

If polar bear shows up: (by Dr. Steven Farmer)
Be assertive and strong in both your communications and your actions, yet be willing to yield as necessary.
Treat yourself with respect and maintain your dignity at all times.
Before you take action, pause and observe the situation; then when you're ready to make your move, commit to it fully and without hesitation.
You're about to embark on a spiritual adventure, one that will awaken some of your innate gifts and qualities that have been dormant until now.
If you need polar bear medicine: (by Dr. Steven Farmer)
You're faced with an important change in your life, but you're having trouble accepting it.
You're feeling afraid or threatened in any situation, no matter the trigger, and you want to feel safe, strong and protected from any and all harm.
You're doing any kind of work between the spirit world and this one and you need a good, strong guide.
If polar bear is your power animal: (by Dr. Steven Farmer)
You're a skilled survivor, highly adaptable, and incredibly strong physically and emotionally.
Your spirit is very pure and your know who you are.
You have unquestioning faith in the Power that governs all, which is expressing itself as you and through you.
You're a powerful individual and readily command respect wherever you go and from whomever you meet.
This information can be found in the book entitled "Animal Spirit Guides" by Steven D. Farmer, PH. D.