Working With The Animal Totems
SPIRIT of the BEAR: Introspection, Visions, Dreams & Goals, Discernment, Affection, Faith
Myth and Moor: BEARS
About the SPIRIT BEAR:
To American Indians, the Bear has a strong heart and unwavering will, and to Japanese and Siberian Shamans he is the leader of the animals, and is the animal that taught humans Shamanism.
There are 8 different kinds of bears – brown bears, American black bears, polar bears, giant panda bears, Asiatic black bears, sloth bears, spectacled bears and sun bears. Brown bears are also called grizzly bears. Bears live in all parts of the world, except Africa, Australia and Antarctica.
Sun bears are the smallest bears. Sun bears live in southeast Asia. They weigh about 45 kilograms (100 pounds). Sun bears are the size of a large dog. Brown bears and polar bears are the biggest bears. They can be over 10 feet long. If a big brown bear or polar bear stands on its hind legs, its head is higher than the ceiling in most houses and classrooms.
Most brown bears and American black bears have brown or black fur. Polar bears have white or yellow-white fur. Giant panda bears look very different with their black and white fur. Sun bears, sloth bears and Asiatic black bears often have a white or yellow-white patch on their chest. Spectacled bears have white or yellow-white circles around their eyes. This makes them look like they are wearing eyeglasses.
The Psychology of the Bear Totem:
Bear's Wisdom Includes:
* Introspection
* Healing
* Solitude
* Change
* Communication with Spirit
* Death and rebirth
* Transformation
* Astral travel
* Creature of dreams, shamans and mystics
* Visionaries
* Defense and revenge
* Wisdom
Shamans fortunate enough to have any of these bear power animal enjoy much security, grounding and steadfastness in their company on shamanic journeys.
There are several types of bear including the Grizzly, Brown, Black, Kodiak and Polar. Bear has played a prominent role in many Native cultures. They are considered to be a highly desired ally and spirit helper because of its fearless power. It is believed that the power of Great spirit lives through this animal. Because of this a constellation was named for it, Ursus Major, The Great Bear. Some tribes prayed for medicine dreams that would show bear to be their guide. Others felt the bear was too powerful a medicine and would only hunt them if it meant not starving.
In some traditions bear is the spirit keeper of the West. The place of maturity and good harvest. The gifts that bear offers to those with this totem are strength, introspection and knowledge.
Unlike other animals who are active during a specific time of day, the bear is active both day and night. This symbolizes its connection with solar energy, that of strength and power, and lunar energy, that of intuition. It enhances and teaches those with this totem how to develop both within themselves.
Bear can sometimes be too quick to anger and too sure of it own power. While they have little to fear they can forget caution, which is an important trait to have. If bear is your totem be careful that you don't throw your caution to the wind. Being unaware of your limits in certain settings can be disastrous.
Many years ago while hiking in the woods I was surprised to meet a black bear face to face. As it stood before me the power that the bear held intimidated me. Fears surfaced and I was sure I was going to die. I rose my arms high over my head appearing larger than I was. Because I created an illusion of size and strength my life was spared. The bear watched, dropped down onto all four legs and slowly moved away. Bear taught me the importance of appearance by gathering my inner strength and presenting it outwardly.
During the winter bears spend several months sleeping in dens without eating, a condition that resembles hibernation. The more fat their bodies have stored up the deeper the sleep. Bears live on this fat throughout the winter. It teaches us how to go within and find the resources necessary for our personal survival.
The bear holds the teachings of introspection. When it shows up in your life pay attention to how you think, act and interact. Use discernment in all that you do and discriminate with care. Bear teaches you how to make choices from a position of power.
All bears carry the "bear medicine" as referenced above, however these bears also reflect a past life connection with the east and with eastern philosophy, cultural and religious traditions, "wisdom" and mysticism as well. Each type of BEAR has it's own unique "medicines" and purposes, which can be further investigated and gleaned through study of that animal's native habitat, physical characteristics and behavioral attributes.
Panda as an Animal Spirit Guide
Those who would like spiritual support in creating a sacred space at home or work can enlist the help of the panda animal spirit guide. In developing a personal sanctuary, remember the attributes of the panda - solitude, gentleness, and privacy.
Pandas are cute and cuddling in appearance yet they are very strong. Keep this in mind when making judgments based on first appearances. The contrasting coloring of black and white of a Panda's fur is representative differences in cultures. Black and white also are depicted in yin yang symbols indicating the importance of balance between masculine and feminine energies. When Panda surfaces it is good to work on balancing anything that is off kilter in your life.
The Panda as a totem also represents diplomacy because of the history of China gifting Giant Pandas as diplomatic gifts to other countries. The Panda's appearance is quite exotic, anyone with Panda as a totem is likely interested in the exploration of exotic lands and cultures different from their own.
Agile tree climber, the Panda as a totem has a unique ability to tap into higher knowledge. Panda medicine is a wonderful teacher for soul development.
Reclusive and withdrawn in nature, black bears tend to keep themselves in isolation. Black bears are also excellent climbs. All bears climb tress, but because the black bear is smaller he can climb to higher branches without the burden of extra weight. Black bear teaches the importance of unburdening yourself in order to attain higher knowledge.
Ted Andrews, author of Animal Speak says "Anyone with a bear totem should keep the cub in themselves alive and occasionally climb tress--if only to get a clear perspective." Black bears are very playful, as a totem they teach us to stay connected to the child within.
The moon bear and the sun bear are two of the 8 bear species found in the world. Both live in Asia but are slightly different from each other.
POLAR BEAR: (Go to Polar Bear page)
The Polar bear is perhaps the most powerful bear spirit guide, but also the most stubborn and determined. Little surprise he is such a force to be reckoned with given his harsh polar environment. A Polar Bear spirit guide is a very willful power animal, who can help his shaman charge achieve much, hunting out the desired result with a dogged single-mindedness. It is, however, important to discipline and direct his powerful instincts.
Adorable Koala bear resembles the teddy bear, otherwise it is not at all bear-like. Koala bears originate from Australia and are marsupial mammals. Marsupials in general as totems teach the importance of mother-child bonding in earliest stage of life. At first blind and deaf, the Koala is fully dependent on its mother for the first six to twelve months of its life. If Koala bear appears consider what your relationship is to your mother (or child). Is the bond a good one, or does it need work?
Koalas are primarily nocturnal, slumbering most of the day. It is because of its extremely low metabolism that Koala sleep 16 to 18 hours each day. As a totem, Koalas are excellent teachers of lucid dreaming and also serve as telepathic messengers.
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