Totem Talk

Working With The Animal Totems

IBIS ~ The Harbinger of Lunar Functions, Cycles of Time, Measure and Movement


Connected to the Egyptian gods / goddesses and the moon. The ibis symbolizes wisdom and the ability to work magick. A single-mindedness bordering on narrow-mindedness, getting rid of pests, perhaps a need to eat more shellfish


Ibis Wisdom Includes:

* Harbinger of lunar functions, cycles of time, measure and movement
* Connection to the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
* Connected to Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom, moon and Magick
* Connected with the mysteries and legends of the Egyptian mythological traditions
* Openness of spirit, mind and body to the working of God and of Spirit
* Calling to provide some type of service to their "God" or to Spirit, as each would understand that 'calling' to be for THEM personally
* Occult wisdom
* Wisdom
* Enlightenment
* Ability to work with magick spells
* Understanding ancient wisdom
* Assists with recovering information from the akashic records (Hall of Records, Halls of Amenti)

Halls of Amenti:

Ibis was an important creature to the Egyptians. Ibis was sacred to the Goddess Isis. Thoth, god of the Moon and wisdom, has an ibis head. Thoth, guardian of the Moon Gates, was the deity of record keeping and magick. Thoth, in the form of Ibis, hovered above the Egyptians and taught them the occult arts and sciences.


The ibis cult was established primarily during the Ptolemaic and Roman periods and was dedicated to the god of wisdom, Thoth. The number of mummified ibises is extraordinary. Saqqara alone is estimated to contain nearly 500,000 of these mummies and is also thought to have produced 10,000 mummified offerings per year. In addition, approximately four million ibis burials have been uncovered at the catacombs of Tune el-Gebel. Mummification of the ibis included desiccation and evisceration. Usually, the head and neck of the bird were bent backwards and pressed on the body. The body was then dipped in tar and wrapped tightly with linen. The vast number of mummified ibises suggests that this was done in a mass production, as many times the mummies contained only a part of the body. After serving their ritual purposes, the mummified bodies were placed in ceramic pots, coffins or sarcophagi.


The African Sacred Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) is a species of wading bird of the ibis family, Threskiornithidae, which breeds in sub-Saharan Africa, southeastern Iraq, and formerly in Egypt, where it was venerated and often mummified as a symbol of the god Thoth. It has also been introduced into France, Italy, Spain, and the United States (S. Florida).

The bird nests in tree colonies, often with other large wading birds such as herons. It builds a stick nest often in a baobab and lays 2-3 eggs.

Flying in South AfricaThe African Sacred Ibis occurs in marshy wetlands and mud flats, both inland and on the coast. It will also visit cultivation and rubbish dumps. It feeds on various fish, frogs, small mammals, reptiles and smaller birds as well as insects. An adult individual is 68 cm long with all-white body plumage apart from dark plumes on the rump. The bald head and neck, thick curved bill and legs are black. The white wings show a black rear border in flight. Sexes are similar, but juveniles have dirty white plumage, a smaller bill and some feathering on the neck.

This bird is usually silent, but occasionally makes some croaking noises.

The introduced and rapidly growing populations in southern Europe are seen as a potential problem, since these large predators can devastate breeding colonies of species such as terns. They also compete successfully for nest sites with Cattle and Little Egrets. The adaptable Ibises supplement their diet by feeding at rubbish tips, which helps them to survive the winter in these temperate regions.

The African Sacred Ibis is one of the species to which the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) applies.


Egyptian Ibis Statue, Copenhagen MuseumVenerated and often mummified by Ancient Egyptians as a symbol of the god Thoth, the Ibis was according to Herodotus and Pliny the Elder also invoked against incursions of serpents. It was also said that the flies that brought pestilence died immediately upon propitiatory sacrifices of this bird.

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