Spirit of the Dingo: Extinction

Dingo's Wisdom Includes:
* Duality
* Intuition
* Living in balance and harmony within all realms of existence
* Adapting a behavior to harmonize with the reality in which you live
* A master at shape shifting and being invisible
* Ability to remain unique and maintain individualism
* Finding the truth and understanding the persecution that this truth may bring
* Connection to the full Moon
* A reborn soul
* Group dynamics
* Hierarchy
* Pack mentality
* Journeying
* Upperworld messenger
* Taking risks
* Opportunity
* Family wisdom
* Extinction
* Radical change and adaptation
* Monogamy and partnership
* Sees life as a game and invites others to play
* Can detect subtle energy changes
* Assistance in hunting
* Finding warmth in cold situations
* Companionship and Loyalty
* Tracking skills and Protection
* Understanding silence
* Finding the truth
* Willingness to follow through
* Correct use of intuition

The Dingo
Many authorities regard the dingo as a sub species of the domestic dog. Because the dingo is similar to the dog in structure and habits the dog should also be studied. The dingo was introduced from Asia during the later immigrations of the Aborigines about five thousand to eight thousand years ago.
The dingo is stout with short, soft fur, a bushy tail and erect pointed ears. Clairaudient gifts have long been associated with the dingo because of their ability to detect subtle energy frequencies moving through the earth. This gift can be fully developed by those with this medicine by spending time in nature and learning from the elements.
Dingo's hunt alone or in small groups. They are independent animals bold and suspicious in their habits. The Aborigines sometimes capture and tame them. Those raised from puppies may become affectionate pets.
Dingo's normally yelp and howl, but when domesticated they can also imitate the bark of a dog. The dingo can teach us how to use various forms of sound to enhance our lifestyle. Different pitches and tones convey subtle messages. The dingo is a master at knowing what these subtle messages mean and can teach us how to respond to them for our benefit.
Those who hold this medicine often have an uncanny ability to know things without having a logical reason of why they know it. They can excel while speaking or have difficulty expressing themselves depending on how developed the medicine is in the person.
The dingo represents duality. Domesticated or wild it adapts to any situation and can teach us how to live in balance and harmony within all realms of existence. They are extremely intelligent and can change their behavior patterns to accommodate any situation. This trait reminds us to be flexible in our undertakings.
When the dingo appears it serves as a reminder to lighten up. The dingo is a master at shape shifting their behavior to accommodate the reality in which they live. They see life as a game and invite you to play. The choice is yours.

General Description:
The dingo is Australia's native dog, thought to have been a resident for many thousands of years. The dingo is Australia's largest carnivore, and its only native canine or feline. Dingos are most commonly known for their ginger to tan colouring, however approximately 4% of Northern dingos are black with tan points. The dingo are hunters with good vision, they will hunt in packs to bring down large prey like kangaroo, though they prefer to hunt rabbits and rodents. In contemporary times the dingo enjoys notorious fame in Australia as being an animal that has and will attack humans and livestock, much of its reputation is undeserved. Feral dogs are more destructive than a purebred dingo. In Queensland a 6000km dingo fence has been erected, it is the longest man-made structure in the world.
Lessons and Challenges:
The Australian dingo teaches us about the importance of group dynamics. Do we know our position amongst our friends and our 'pack'? Do we know how to maintain that position, or do we wish to gain more status? It's important to understand where we are in the hierarchy in order to understand how to act and respond to the people around us. Dingo teaches us about status, respect and the pack mentality. At this time, study your relationship in the groups of humans around you and learn your position. If you do not like it, dingo equips you with the energy to learn to accept it, or to challenge your position in a group.
One of the reasons dingo draws your attention to the importance of the group and 'pack', is because we may be feeling as though we are misunderstood or being taken for granted. The dingo is a creature that has suffered great persecution, and we too may be feeling elements of that in our lives at this time. Is it time to confront those who mistreat us? Dingo suggests that it is. Remember that the energy of dingo is adaptable and generous, if you feel that others have forgotten your importance, dingo helps you to remember your own importance and to show others how relevant you are to them.
Dingo also teaches us about family wisdom. This wisdom when given to us from dingo helps us to maintain monogamy despite disloyalty, partnership in the face of great conflict, and a cohesive family dynamic despite any internal rivalries. Dingo teaches us that families are not perfect, but they can be a wellspring of support, and in turn they can also provide us avenues towards new opportunity. Have you been neglecting your family? Dingo suggests that it may be time to reconnect, or reinforce your family connections.
Dingo is an upperworld messenger, its presence in a reading or in dreams can signify messages coming through from the creator, or from other deities and spirits.
There is a graver element to dingo's teachings. Whenever dingo comes into our lives, its reminds us of our own mortality, of the threat of extinction of ourselves and that we care for. We may be more aware than usual that humans occupy a precarious position in our environment, or alternatively we may be aware that the things and people we care about are at risk in some manner. Dingo helps us to make peace with this threat of extinction, and to remember that extinction is a natural cycle. As dingoes have hunted native animals, so too are they at threat of becoming extinct, and so too are we. Extinction is another cycle, resistance against it is unhelpful and stops us from focusing on living our lives in the present.
Dingo teaches us the value of taking risks whenever we see opportunity. Dingo brings radical change and a need for adaptation in our lives. If we resist this change and ignore the opportunities, we may find that dingo can teach harsh and painful lessons when life passes us by, or when change is forced upon us regardless of how we try to ignore it. However, if we embrace dingo energy, then we find that the positive aspects of change and risk-taking far outweigh the negative. Dingo is a powerful energy, and can help us to change our attitude towards life, becoming more proactive as people in the process.
The Shadow Aspects:
If you have dingo shadow energy you may have an aversion to risk-taking and radical change. This stops you from seizing opportunity and puts you in places of stagnation and unhealthiness.
You may also resent being taken for granted even though you probably take others for granted. Stop always thinking of the world in terms of rewards and balances, it's not all about receiving something for what you give, sometimes it's just about the act of giving.
Like all animal helpers, this animal will only appear when right and appropriate, and cannot be forced to visit you, commune with you, or share messages with you. Dingo has a wonderful, curious and adaptable energy that is both alert and open to new methods of communication. Dingo can be a responsive, persistent and patient guide if you meet its energy with enthusiasm and respect. Experiment with how you wish to contact dingo, though some fairly simple methods include activating dingo energy in your own life by howling and adopting dog-like postures. Other methods for contacting dingo involve drumming, dancing, meditation, journeying and visualisation.
In Australia it is also possible to literally 'visit' dingoes to get an impression of their energy at many fauna parks and zoos. Depending on your region, you may even know someone who keeps a dingo or hybrid dingo as a pet. If contacting the physical form of dingo, please remember that they are a wild animal and should be treated with caution and respect. Simply seeing the animal creates an energy connection which can be reinforced at a later time, you do not need to touch or make 'friends' with the animal in real life in order to form a spiritual connection with it.