Working With The Animal Totems
Spirit of the Dog: Protector and Guardian
Dog's Wisdom Includes:
*selfless service
*unconditional love
*small becoming the great
*guardian of secret areas and ancient knowledge
History tells us that all civilizations seemed to have some sort of domesticated dog. In early times, our Ancestors used dogs as work animals for pulling small carts and wagons. And, of course, dogs were used to herd and hunt. Their keen sense of hearing and very good sight were the extended version of the Master’s sight and hearing.
Dogs have a message about service, one that they show us everyday. First, they love unconditionally, even when they are treated cruelly. Second, they will try with all their heart, to complete whatever task we give them, even if they don’t understand it and it taxes their physical capabilities. Third, dogs do not judge or gossip. They simply try the best they can. Fourth, they do all this without thanks or praise. The message to anyone on a spiritual path, then, is to be in service and to be there without thinking of gain, to do one’s best, and to do the service joyfully with unconditional love.
Dogs are also about safety, and humans may learn from them because they can sense earthquakes even two days prior to the quake actually happening. As well as sniffing out drugs, guns and explosives, dogs can sniff when a person is going to have an epileptic seizure, and when cancer cells become active. These abilities may be associated with psychic abilities. The message to you then becomes, are you using your clairvoyant abilities and clairaudient abilities to keep you and friends and family safe? Are you a gifted healer who has been ignoring your healing gifts. Can you “see” dis-ease in someone before the disease hits?
Remember that we choose pets – dogs – as we choose our family and our mates. We choose them because they are like us and the dog can mirror the issues that we need to solve and to learn from.
The Dog
Throughout history dogs have been known as protectors and guardians. Their acute hearing and keen sight forewarned their masters of impending danger. Dogs are known as mans best friend. They serve selflessly never asking for their service to be prasied. They hold the energies of unconditional love and teach us its true meaning.
The domesticated dog is a faithful companion to humans and has a strong willingness to serve. Their sense of spirit and the ability to love even when abused is incredible. The dog teaches those with this totem how to give and receive love unconditionally. It also carries the energy of forgiveness. People with dog medicine would do well in service oriented jobs.
Dogs are intelligent and sensitive. They are able to sniff out dangerous situations accurately and guide us into safety. Psychic gifts have long been are associated with the dog because of their ability to detect subtle energy frequencies often unknown to mankind. If dog suddenly appears in your life pay attention to your immediate surroundings and let the dog guide your footsteps.
Certain breeds of dog were designed for specific functions. The study of the breed and its purpose can help you define the energy associated with it. Since wolves and coyotes are its descendants these should be studied as well.
The behavior of a dog often reflects the personality of its owner. Through its observation and constant interaction with you it anticipates your next move, and serves as a mirror image of who you truly are. The dog is a great teacher for those who are willing to be loyal students. The choice is yours.
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