Working With The Animal Totems
Spirit of the Coyote: Creator, Teacher, and Keeper of Magic. Wisdom and Folly.
Coyote's Wisdom Includes:
-Understanding that all things are sacred--yet nothing is sacred
-Teaching that only when all masks have fallen will we connect with the Source
-Singing humans into being
-Childhood trust in truth
-Teaching us how to rear our young
-Brings rain
-Ability to laugh at ones own mistakes
-Placing the North Star
-Teaching balance between risk and safety
Coyote - Trickster
When we're being too serious about life Coyote may come along to teach us to laugh at ourselves. It is also the karmic enforcer, reminding us that whatever we do to others will be done to us.
The Coyote
For a long time humans have been attempting to shoot, poison and trap coyote into non-exsistence. Instead, birds like the Condor have been nearly wiped out with poisoned meat, and the clever coyote may be more numerous today than ever. Despite humanities encroachment and aggression, coyote has found a way to walk its walk and survive.
Coyotes usually mate for life. They live in the sides of hills or in underground dens where the family unit is well protected. They prefer open grassland and thinly wooded brush, but can adapt to almost any environment. Because of this they have been able to survive and grow in numbers.
I once heard a story about a female Coyote who got caught in a trap and gnawed off her own paw---twice. At last report she was doing fine, hobbling around on her two front stumps, and she had borne a healthy litter. Coyotes hunt small game not with speed, but by pouncing and snapping with their jaws. She was able to do this quite well and was fulfilling her role as a mother. Those with this medicine will go to extreme measures to protect and nurture family members. Words that rip and tear another to shreds should be avoided. Sporadic bursts of energy are common and balanced action is required for ones overall well being. Excellent caretakers coyote medicine people put other peoples needs before their own. Care is advised however to give to yourself equally.
In some native tribes the coyote is referred to as the trickster. I prefer to see the coyote as cunning and clever. There are many stories about the coyote. He is known as the great one and the foolish one. Coyote does not consciously try to trick us, he mirrors our own human capacity for displaying cleverness and stupidity.
Like the coyote we can work with others to get what we want in life, or we can dive into a lake to catch a reflection. We can send troubles away or invite them carelessly. When coyote wanders into your life you are being asked to look at something you have been avoiding. Coyote is our mirror for the lessons we need to learn in order to walk a good sacred road. It will hold up the mirror relentlessly until we finally get the picture.
Call on coyote as an ally for negotiating a difficult situation. Or thank him for coming and showing you a trap that you are caught in, or a way that you are fooling yourself. Coyote is an especially powerful teacher with regard to relationships because it is when we are in a relationship that we can fool ourselves the most. Coyote is not out there to get us, but to teach us, whether we want to learn or not.
The Coyote
In some native tribes the coyote is referred to as the trickster or joker. Actually, the coyote is a cunning, clever and amazingly adaptive animal. There are many stories about the coyote. He is known as the great one and the foolish one. Coyote does not consciously try to trick us, he mirrors our own human capacity for displaying cleverness and stupidity. Coyote's cycle of power is year-round and its message is of wisdom and folly.
To the Indian, the coyote is the creator, a teacher and the keeper of magic. Even when the magic does not work, it serves a purpose. There is always hidden wisdom where the coyote is concerned.
Coyote is playful as well as skillful. She reminds us not to become too serious and that anything is possible. Coyote teaches balance wisdom and fun and shows us how they can go hand in hand. Through the coyote we can reawaken the child within us, open the intellect and stimulate our intuition.
Like the coyote we can work with others to get what we want in life, or we can dive into a lake to catch a reflection. We can send troubles away or invite them carelessly. When coyote wanders into your life you are being asked to look at something you have been avoiding. Coyote is our mirror for the lessons we need to learn in order to walk a good sacred road. It will hold up the mirror relentlessly until we finally get the picture.
For a long time humans have been attempting to shoot, poison and trap coyote into non-existence. Instead, birds like the Condor have been nearly wiped out with poisoned meat, and the clever coyote may be more numerous today than ever. Despite humanities encroachment and aggression, coyote has found a way to walk its walk and survive.
Coyotes usually mate for life. The father shares in the responsibility of raising a litter. Both parents will train the pups to hunt. They live in the sides of hills or in underground dens where the family unit is well protected. They prefer a location close a water source, open grassland and thinly wooded brush, but can adapt to almost any environment. Because of this they have been able to survive and grow in numbers.
A coyote who gets caught in a trap will gnaw off it’s own paw. Even with this disadvantage, a mother can go on to raise a healthy litter. Since coyotes hunt small game not with speed, but by pouncing and snapping with their jaws, the mother will still be able to fulfill her role quite well. Those with this medicine will go to extreme measures to protect and nurture family members. Words that rip and tear another to shreds should be avoided. Sporadic bursts of energy are common and balanced action is required for ones overall well being. Being excellent care takers, coyote medicine people will put other people’s needs before their own. Care is advised however to give to yourself equally.
Coyote's hunt in cooperative groups. While one chases, one will rest, then they switch. They are very organized and teach us the importance of teamwork.
The howl of the coyote is a social call. It warns of danger, it calls for assistance and can express the coyote's loneliness. The howl is very recognizable and reminds us of our primal connections.
Coyote will help you to negotiate a difficult situation. Thank him for coming and showing you the traps that you may be caught in, or a way that you could be fooling yourself. Coyote is an especially powerful teacher with regard to relationships because it is when we are in a relationship that we can fool ourselves the most. Coyote is not out there to get us, but to teach us, whether we want to learn or not.
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