Working With The Animal Totems
First, we will comment upon the role in essence, only, and then we will begin to "layer in" the rest of this fragments casting placements information into the "bigger picture" pertaining to how it all fits together. Many fragments who possess strong SAGE qualities either in their role in essence, or in their casting placements, or through their primary Essence Twin influence will often "attract" to themselves animal totems which are considered part of the "primates" family. This is due in large part to their mutual "interest" and "enjoyment" of the companionship and the company of others of their own kind, as well as a deep desire to COMMUNICATE with those other members of their own 'clan' or 'tribe' as well. Primate animal species are also interested in "communication-in-unity", and/or in creating "community" at large, and many spend a good deal of time during their waking state "hours" participating in and attending to the maintenance and sustenance of their respective "community" needs, and "engagements". Like the Sage role in essence, the "primates" of the animal kingdom share a love of personal self-expression, deciphering both physical and non-physical "body languages" and "antics", and enjoy both being both the entertainer and the entertained by others of their own kind. Like SAGE, most primates are fully AWARE of their own "place" within their respective communities, and are also given to "announcing" the presence of others who would be found to exist or to dwell within their territories to others of their 'troope', tribe or clan. Many primates then represent the SAGE positive pole function of DISSEMINATION (also known as "communication") when in their positive pole expression, and "oration", (or simply making audible, and often loud verbal and physical noise) in their negative pole expression. Monkeys are the "chosen" favorite of many fragments who would be found to have corresponding SAGE "MONKEY MEDICINE" in their casting placements or in their primary "role in essence" designation. Further, those who have "Monkey Medicine" are further "defined" and "refined" through the TYPES and SPECIES of the primates with whom they are most closely identified, either through past life "associations" within various parts of the world, or through specific types of "functions", "forms" and "fascinations" that a particular primate species might hold for that fragment personally.
Michael_Entity: We would also wish to remind this fragment at this time of her "essential" connection to the Chimpanzee "species" in general, through her past life connections with ONE of this species, in particular.
luluaussi: yes and it still is very dear connection I can feel
Michael_Entity: Through this ONE "essence contact" experience with the Chimpanzee that we have described to this fragment in an earlier transmission, we would add here that she has gained "access" to the entire hive soul species itself through this single "individual" experience with just ONE of their kind.
luluaussi: could definitely use the navigation skills right now
Michael_Entity: This is an important connection for this fragment, for it 'essentially' validates and reinforces the LOVE of essence itself for both herself, as well as for that of the "one" who once saved her life. This animal totem reflects both the love of essence itself, as well as the love of the eternal "mother" within all life for it's "child", both the "inner child" as well as the "outer" child as well.
luluaussi: ok....the generosity that is LOVE? that is universal?
Michael_Entity: Yes, and also the NURTURING that you are able to give both to yourself and others in the life as well. Which you "give" generously, yes. Chimpanzee is also an extremely inquisitive and naturally curious member of the "monkey" or "primate" family, and is always looking for ways to make their own lives, and the lives of their friends, family and fellow troop members more ALIVE, EXPRESSIVE and INTERESTING to themselves and others. This is part of the "precipitation/initiation" energy that this fragment carries within her "essential" casting placements energy. This fragment is always looking for "new and improved" ways of doing things, or more specifically, of CREATING that which is deemed to be most important to HER in her life experiences. Part of INVENTION and PRECIPITATION/INITIATION is first "envisioning" that which is most needed and wanted by the self and others in the life as well.
luluaussi: ok pretty good at the envisioning part but am having a very difficult time "initiating" at the moment hence all the "static"
Michael_Entity: From this vantage point, then the fragment can "invent" or more specifically, MANIFEST that which is not YET seen or perhaps has gone unnoticed by others until she "reveals" its presence and usefulness to them through her own creative efforts and "envisioning".
luluaussi: the "reveal" is in a fogbank then
Michael_Entity: This influence is due in part to the "static" state of the astrological configurations at this time, and it is also a result of the "final" levels of the previous platform year coming to a close BEFORE the new platform choices are enacted around mid-may.
luluaussi: very uncomfortable and debilitating to me right now, mired in confusion
Michael_Entity: Many fragments are chomping at the bit to get going with their new platform choices, BEFORE they have come to a complete CLOSURE with their previous platform choices for the former one year time span. Yes, and you are not alone in this experience.We spoke to this feeling of "tiredness" and fatigue in our OPENING COMMENTS on Saturday in fact. There are many fragments who are feeling the same way right now, however, this influence will begin to "break loose" or to 'break free" around mid-month, we would say. We would simply encourage you today to REMEMBER the SELF LOVE that your WITHIN animal totem, the CHIMPANZEE, had for you, personally, even in the midst of all of your very human confusion.
luluaussi: how can my Chimpanzee mother help me in finding closure to my previous platform of BALANCE when I am feeling anything but balanced?
Michael_Entity: This LOVE of ESSENCE itself, and of the DIVINE MOTHER within, for it's own "divine" child, or for it's INNER CHILD, will give you much needed RELIEF and peace of mind as the winds of change and confusion blow all around you, and through the collective consciousness at this time of the year.
luluaussi: have been feeling incredibly sad and out of it has been hard to find that place (Terri: you and me both Lulu ... but I will get back to the M's now. We can talk about this after they have finished their comments, k?) luluaussi: ok sorry am crying, (Terri: That's okay, let the M's just be with you in your tears Toni.) wolfwoman: luv u lulu luluaussi: ok
Michael_Entity: Much of what many of our students are experiencing right now is not ALL of their own making, particularly with many older soul fragments. Michael_Entity: Many older soul fragments are quite LITERALLY "carrying the weight of the world" upon their own shoulders right now, and most do not realize or even recognize that they are in fact doing so. Michael_Entity/Terri: It's good to let them flow and to let that confusing energy MOVE through you, rather than trying to hold it back lMichael_Entity/Terri: This is a GOOD PLACE to release them Toni. Michael_Entity/Terri: You are perfectly SAFE to do so here and now. And the M's are 'with you' as well right now. luluaussi: thank you Michael_Entity: (Terri: Tell them how you feel, I do it all the time. Just feels good knowing THEY know, even if they don't do much about it, it's just good to have 1050 "listening" ears, yes? Or, PAIRS of ears, more specifically.) We are here and are going to continue our comments to this fragment now.
luluaussi: I have been....I can "see" that there is a reason behind all this confusion but still don't know what to "do" with what I am comprehending. ok thank you. I just very tired right now.
Michael_Entity: Confusion is the negative pole of growth, which can be "shifted" by sliding into the positive pole of it's opposite goal, which is the positive pole of Re-evalutation, or + simplicity. Simplify, and take just ONE thing at a time. Open your heart to your own LOVE of essence itself, for YOU as a very human fragment having a tough time on the physical plane right now. Ask ESSENCE to "take over" the driving for a while, and to just LOVE you UNCONDITIONALLY, which it DOES anyway. Yes, a fragment becomes very tired when the personality has been in the driver's seat for TOO LONG, and has not allowed essence to do some of the actual "driving" in the life. Resisting that which is attempting to LEAVE your energy fields, if it is no longer needed or wanted, like the prior platform year energy as well, for instance, is also tiring to the personality as well.
luluaussi: it seems that like my within chimp that I have had to be continuously "adaptable" but also "overreactive" ,
when really what I would like is to live and connect "with JOY" sorry I kow I’m digressing form the topic.
Michael_Entity: "Letting go" and "Letting Tao" is one way to SIMPLY ALLOW ESSENCE to begin to take over the driver's seat once more. Michael_Entity: It's natural to become "over-reactive" when a fragment is fatigued and has come to their own "personality perspective" wit's end, so to speak. This experience is there for you, if you choose it, but first you must MAKE ROOM for it by and through releasing all that which does not support joy, and which is taking up "space" in your emotional and physical body space. No, it is not "digressive" because it is intimately connected with the WITHIN 'topic' of the month for May. We would suggest that you remind yourself that what comes UP is always on it's way OUT.
luluaussi: ok then thru my Artisan casting can I "create" new openings and ways to release that which is of no further use?
Michael_Entity: Breathe THAT ENERGY OUT and simply ALLOW IT TO MOVE and to RELEASE completely. That approach would then serve to OPEN the fragment's energy field to more JOY and HAPPINESS to come into her life within the new platform year experiences. All healing is two-fold: 1. RELEASE (first), then 2. REFILL (second)
luluaussi: still a toughie.......have not allowed myself much Happiness
Michael_Entity: (simple, yes) We would suggest a series of hot bathes, over a period of 5 to 7 days straight. You may add "medicinal" remedies of your choice, however, citrus, such as lemon or orange slices are particularly useful for cleansing the physical and emotional bodies. We would also recommend adding some eptsom salts, or some rock salt, which draws toxins out of the body as well.
luluaussi: am really ready to RELEASE this and definitely happy to REFILL
Michael_Entity: Yes, but first comes RELEASE. For the first three days, you may feel very drained after your bath. This is natural, because you are in the process of RELEASING the energy that wishes to move OUT of your space at this time.
luluaussi: ok as it draws out the toxic energy?
Michael_Entity: Yes. Also, pay attention to your BREATH! Notice when you are HOLDING your breath, because this is one way humans 'hold onto' their 'stuff' and do not allow it to move. KEEP BREATHING through the WHOLE PROCESS, no matter what comes up for you, crying, whatever, just keep BREATHING IT OUT of your space.
luluaussi: too many times I HOLD my breath and my tongue to prevent foot in mouth
Michael_Entity: Letting it all GO and move out on your breath, through your body and out your feet ... and hands, however you are most comfortable envisioning it. Beginning around day 4, you will begin to feel more neutral about all of this "energy" that is moving out, and will reach a kind of stable plateau. (luluaussi: my birthday is in 11 days, too)
Michael_Entity: Then, around day 5, you will begin to DRAW IN more energy once again, and to REFILL that which you have "let go" in the first few days of the cleansing. Ah! Perfect timing then. Breath IN the JOY and LOVE OF ESSENCE, and breath OUT all that is no longer needed or wanted by essence, or by personality for that matter. No wonder such BIG changes are upon you, yes. Very well then, beginning around day 5 you will begin to ATTRACT ENERGY *INTO* YOU. You can use this time frame to be VERY SPECIFIC about that which you wish to bring IN to you in the PLATFORM YEAR ahead, beginning in Mid May. The timing couldn't be more perfect, for a perfect resolution and completion of the prior platform year "release" and a new platform year "refill" process. Precisely so, yes, once you have released all that you no longer which to "keep", then you can make room in your life for that which you wish, or choose, to bring into your life in the new platform year cycle. (luluaussi: Thank you for a great "prescription" :)
Michael_Entity: And what better "direction" and animal totem "presence" then that of the WITHIN animal totem to assist and support you in this "essential" process at this most meaningful time of the year. (luluaussi: I will work with remembering her love for me)
Michael_Entity: Opening yourself to a FULL BODY SMILE is truly simply a matter of letting GO of all of that which does NOT support a full body smile. Gratitude is also another very good way of opening up to the LOVE and the JOY of essence as well, and putting an "essential" full body smile back on the face of the fatigued human fragment. Very well then, that is all on this fragment's "questions" for today.
luluaussi: Thank you Michael this has been of tremendous help to me today :)
Michael_Entity: We will simply say at this time, the fragment Toni is in "good hands" with her Within totem animal, Chimpanzee, and with her OWN essence, as well as within the unconditional love of the divine mother and child "reunion" shall we term it. Peace, power, pleasure and presence are all key words that this fragment has to look forward to as well, once the "release" is complete and the REFILL process has begun. Good day to you today Toni. We will remain with you for a time, even as we shift our attention toward the fragment Wanda for her animal totem comments today as well. luluaussi: ok I will work to relace to find the first P of Peace
Michael_Entity: Rest, release, relax and refill first, and all else will come to you more naturally and with less "efforting" and dis-ease. Good day to you.
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