Totem Talk

Working With The Animal Totems

I met my guide Tipvigut a day ago(You can read about that here) and I decided to make a little shrine to her.

I grabbed a little(unused) coffee table from the lounge room and placed it in the corner of my room. I got some lavender coloured velvety material I had lying around and draped it over the wooden table. I put two polar bear figurines on top. I then got my favorite stones(Two egg shaped marble stones, a pebble shaped blue one a jar with rose quartz pieces in it and a small egg, a few marble candle holders  and my pouch filled with tigers eye), a little polar bear plush(Robotic), a beautiful box, a small slab of glass titled 'Sea Glass' , a pouch filled with runes and underneath the table I put all my books on aura, spirit and totems.

Do you guys have a shrine to your totems? If you do could you comment with what it looks like?



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