Working With The Animal Totems
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They made us many promises but kept only one
They promised that they would take our land, and did
They made us treaties but they never kept one
We signed treaties with them and kept them
We dealt in good faith and we dealt with honor
They dealt in deceit, with no intention of honor
We knew nothing of similar actions, or of such dishonor
We would never dream someone to have so much dishonor
If they had no plan, why would any government
Make a treaty with another people or government
Our word has always been our bond and honor
We would never dream of living with such dishonor
They took advantage of our honor by displaying dishonor
A government with such a dishonorable background
Can only deny it or they try to hide their dishonor,
How could they but, by driving us underground
If we did not live up to our word to your satisfaction
You would come on your horses and massacre whole tribes
It made no difference that it was you who first did not
Live up to the agreement to the satisfaction of us or to history
And so to hide your shame you decided for our good
To give us a new home, a home on such hostile land
That nothing would grow, not even the animals we had
Hunted for generations, providing us our food and clothing
We had no desire of killing in great numbers
Yet that was what we had to face, the savagery
Of the people that claimed that we were the savages
You killed us in unheard of great numbers
With your great weapons you would eliminate us
In first one scrimmage and then another scrimmage
If your heavily armed forces won against our families
It was called a great victory for what you called civilization
If we would win a battle against the whites we were
Called savages and the victory it was called a massacre
And, you would send yet more armed force to kill
Our entire villages, men. women, and children young or old
So the only promise that they kept was the promise
That they would take our lands from the us the first peoples
They have put us on reservations far, far away from view
So their philosophy is this out of sight out of mind
Douglas (Spirit Bear) Neely
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