Kwei Kwei. I'm a 62 year old songwriter, musician, blacksmith who also enjoys wood-carving. Having done some research on my family history, (because of stories my Grandmother told me), I discovered that I have some Mi'gmaw blood coming from my 3rd Great Grandmother who lived in New Brunswick and married a great Grandfather who came from Scotland.
What brings you to this website?
Interest. Lately I've been learning little bits of the language from an online sight. Today I came across your posting of the Turtle & turtle calendar.
Do you have a special animal totem that has come to you?
I don't know, although I've always felt connected to bears & dogs. People with unapproachable dogs are always surprised at how they take to me.
What kind of content would you like to see added to this site?
Don't yet know as this is my first visit to your site.
How did you find us?
A friend Mark Cabot shared the Turtle calendar to me. So, through fb.
Welcome to the site and to our new Totem Talk community!
This site was created to provide a place for those who both love Arvel Bird's awesome music, as well as for those who may have an interest in learning more about their own personal animal totems, to gather, to learn and to meet new people and make new friends.
To read the rest of this welcome message, and to learn how to use the site features, please click on the link provided below: Thank you, and best blessings to you!
You need to be a member of Totem Talk to add comments!
Welcome to the site and to our new Totem Talk community! This site was created to provide a place for those who both love Arvel Bird's awesome music, as well as for those who may have an interest in learning more about their own personal animal totems, to gather, to learn and to meet new people and make new friends. To read the rest of this welcome message, and to learn how to use the site features, please click on the link provided below: Thank you, and best blessings to you!
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