I am host of the Vickers Tree a study of Shamanism, energetic healing, animal communication, horse energy healing and really our capacity to connect to the unseen world.
What brings you to this website?
Your friendship on Blogtalkradio has brought me here. :)
Do you have a special animal totem that has come to you?
Horses are a big one for me and of course dogs are in my life always. I have a great passion and love for all life.
What are some of your favorite Animal Totems books and resources?
Ted Andrews animals speak, The woman in a Shamans Body, Lynn Andrews plus many more.
How did you find us?
I found you from the link on Blogtalkradio/totemtalk
Warmest of welcomes to you Cynastry, (GREAT name too, btw) ... I love it! I'll be checking out your show for sure! Looks like you and I have a great deal in common, not the least of which is a great love of horses. :-) Looking forward to getting to know you and learning more about you and your show! I hope you will enjoy being part of this community. Best blessings to you! Warmly, Terri
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Have a nice weekend ;)