



Profile Information:

Please tell us a little bit about yourself
I am a big animal lover and I enjoy reading and drawing. As much as I enjoy drawing and painting I also have a soft spot for photography.
I am interested in many spiritual topics and my goal overall is to learn and grow. :-)
What brings you to this website?
It was recommended to me :-)
I would also love to talk to other people about totem animals so we can all share our different opinions and journeys.
Do you have a special animal totem that has come to you?
Raven/Crow and Wolf have guided me through physical and mental changes during my teen years.

A lady painted a wonderful spirit guide drawing for me that featured a Zulu warrior alongside a zebra. She stated that the zebra was one of my animal guides.
What are some of your favorite Animal Totems books and resources?
'Animal Speak' by Ted Andrews
'Animal Spirit Guides' by Steven D. Farmer
What are some of your favorite Shamanic Journeying CD's, Musicians, and Music?
I enjoy listening to Celtic music.

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  • Sage Meadow

         Hi Ravenwolf. Thnx 4 the invite, i gladly accept. Why is there hardly nobody on this site? Any idea?

  • Rhonda Lazemizadeh

    Hi Erin, thanks for the Wolf and Raven

  • Rhonda Lazemizadeh

    Thank you Erin Munay!