This group is for those who would like to explore their sacred inner connections with TREES and learn more about how to work with tree consciousness in their daily lives. 

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  • Terri Benning

    Sharonlee, thank you so much for this beautiful poem. I had not heard the word "Dryads" before and so had to look it up to make sure I was understanding it's usage correctly in your poem. Such a beautiful expression of your intimate connection with nature, and your essential attunement to the devic kingdoms ... it has warmed my heart and soul, and taught me something *new* in the process. ~ 

  • Terri Benning

    Art by Moki

    I go among trees and sit still.
    All my stirring becomes quiet
    around me like circles on water.
    My tasks lie in their places
    where I left them, asleep like cattle.

    Then what is afraid of me comes
    and lives a while in my sight.
    What it fears in me leaves me,
    and the fear of me leaves it.
    It sings, and I hear its song.

    Then what I am afraid of comes.
    I live for a while in its sight.
    What I fear in it leaves it,
    and the fear of it leaves me.
    It sings, and I hear its song.

    After days of labor,
    mute in my consternations,
    I hear my song at last,
    and I sing it. As we sing,
    the day turns, the trees move.
    -Wendell Berry

  • El*