Working With The Animal Totems
Spirit of the Turkey ~ Shared Blessings, Spirit of Sacrifice
Turkey's Wisdom Includes:
* Sacrifice of self for a higher purpose
* Understanding the gift of giveaway
* Honoring the Earth Mother
* Harvest bounties
* Pride
* Abundance
* Generosity
* Awareness
* Virility
* Fertility
* Sacrifice
Wild turkeys are opportunistic feeders with broad tastes. They eat nuts, berries green foliage, grasshoppers, lizards, salamanders and more. The turkey can fly powerfully for short distances but has difficulty maintaining that power in longer stretches. For those with this totem it is important to learn how to channel their energy in a balanced way. Quick bursts of energy can lead to undesirable results. A person can tire quickly and have no energy left for other activities. Tai Chi or other forms of martial arts would be beneficial. In addition, variety in diet is advised for optimum health.
Female turkeys lay an average of 12 eggs. One plus two equals three. Three is the number of reoccurrence and those with this medicine often have reoccurring themes or situations to deal with in life.
The medicine power of the turkey is renewal. To the native peoples, the turkey was a sacred bird because of the abundance of them and because of their good tasting meat. Wild turkeys were an abundant food source for the early European refugees, as well as the native peoples. But uncontrolled hunting virtually wiped them out in several central and northeastern states. When reintroduced, they renewed their populations very rapidly, growing to many thousands. If turkey has gobbled its way into your life, its message may be that you need to cultivate and care for those renewable resources that benefit your life.
Wild turkeys were almost eliminated because they were taken for granted. Those with this totem need to remember that nothing is an endless resource if it is not honored and nurtured. Remember to ask yourself if you are relying on something in your life that you always expect to be there, but are taking no steps to treat in a sacred way? This can pertain to a human partner as well as a resource. If so, learn from the turkey and realize that everything has limits.
Wild turkeys lived almost ten million years ago and are native to North America. Between 5,000 and 6,000 feathers cover the body of an adult turkey. Related to pheasants, gobbling of turkeys can be heard a mile away. Wild turkeys have excellent vision during the day but don't see as well at night. Turkeys can run at speeds up to 25 mph, and can fly up to 55 mph. Wild turkeys like open areas for feeding, mating and habitat. They use forested areas as cover from predators and for roosting in trees at night. A varied habitat of both open and covered area is essential for wild turkey survival.
* A wild turkey is a clean bird in many respects and considers its appearance important. A turkey's colorful metallic iridescence glittering feathers provide a variety of survival functions - they keep him warm and dry, allow him to fly, feel and show off for the opposite sex. Turkey feathers were used American Indians to stabilize arrows and adorn ceremonial dress, and the spurs on the legs of wild tom turkeys were used as projectiles on arrowheads. If the spirit of the turkey struts into your life it may be to remind you that hygiene and appearances are important to self-respect and respect for others.
* Turkeys have very good hearing and can see in color and tiny movement almost a hundred yards away. The message of the turkey spirit could be to closely examine our actions and how they relate to our spiritual path.
* Toms and sometimes hens have black, hair-like feathers called beards on their chest. Turkeys’ heads change colors when they become excited as both defense and warning to other turkeys. If your spirit turkey shows you these characteristics, it is time to sit up and take notice of your own actions that may hinder your spiritual growth. You may also need to look at people, situations or events around you.
* Wild turkeys eat whatever is available in the immediate terrain including nuts, berries, green foliage, insects, and lizards. This habit has been seen in vision given by a spirit turkey and was interpreted to mean to make good use of the talents and resources, to waste nothing and give thanks daily for the bounty and blessings given by the Creator.
* Turkeys fly powerfully for short distances but have difficulty in sustaining great speed over a long distance. If you see turkey flying into your life in this way, its message may be to start redirecting your spiritual energy in a more balanced or efficient way. Quick bursts of enthusiasm or energy can lead to undesirable results.
* The wild turkey is a resilient bird and survivor. After heavy, uncontrolled hunting by European settlers and American hunters, the turkey almost vanished to near extinction by the early 1900's. But, through conservation turkey populations have rebounded and are growing. Wild turkeys almost vanished from North America largely due to greed and disrespect. To American Indians the wild turkey symbolizes renewal and rebirth that must take place for all nature in order for humans to survive. The turkey also symbolizes the spirit of freedom that must be respected by all people.
Turkey sacrifices his life for a meal. The wild ones are very smart so if they get caught you can assume they allowed it. Turkey reminds us that if we are to sacrifice ourselves we better think about it and make sure it is in highest good for all--including ourselves. He teaches us not to be a martyr, but rather to give (or give in) when it is appropriate.
Turkey spirit symbolizes renewal. Turkey's energy teaches us to think and to channel our energy in a clear and balanced way. Turkey also shows us that recurring life themes are a gift of great benefit. Often we expect someone or something to always be there. Turkey reminds us that nothing is permanent and that life is in constant flux. The key is to take nothing for granted. Instead, we must remember that ALL things are sacred.
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