Totem Talk

Working With The Animal Totems

Spirit of the Tiger: Being in the Now

Passion, Power, Devotion, Independence, Strength, Focus, Perseverance, Courage, Willpower, Sensuality, Ferocity, Confidence, Camouflage, Silence, Solitude, Determination, Energy


Tiger's Wisdom Includes:

* Power
* Energy
* Strength and will-power in the face of adversity
* Acting in a timely manner
* Action without analysis

Being in the Now! Symbol of the New Moon, working its magick through the night, new adventures of passion and power, feminine energy and a mothering nature, strength through determination and inner power. If the Tiger enters your life new adventures are almost certainly close by. New passion and power will stir inside of you. Your best work will happen in the night.

If Tiger has stalked into your life;

He is reminding you that persistence is what is necessary in order to attain your goals. Be patient, use tried and true methods, repeat them is necessary, use determination to get there. You will succeed – but only through patience.

Alternatively Tiger may be letting you know that you need to do some careful planning and maneuvering to get what you desire. If the task is unpleasant he is reminding your that you do have the strength and willpower to complete the task. Don’t waste your energy with guilty procrastination. Tackle the task at hand.

If Tiger is your Animal Totem;

You are a supremely confident individual that is fiercely persistent in attaining yourgoals. You are strong willed – and once you have made up your mind there is no changing it – however you do take the time to balance all possibilities before deciding. You enjoy quiet and solitude and are keenly observant of everything around you. You physically tend to move with lithe grace and sensuality. You enjoy being independent and rely on having a quiet place to retreat to if things get stressful. You tend to easily blend in or camouflage in social situations. Your natural charisma often draws many others to you.

If Tiger has come into your Dream;

To see a Tiger in your dream represents your power and your ability to exert it in various situations. The dream may also indicate that you should be taking on more of a leadership role. To dream of a friendly tiger may represent a belief or situation that erases all your fears or problems. To dream that you are attacked by a tiger refers to the emotions that you have repressed because you were afraid of confronting them. To see a caged tiger in your dream suggests that your repressed feelings are on the verge of surfacing.

The Tiger Animal Totem

The jungle will never see a more noble and graceful creature than the tiger. This animal has been respected and revered throughout the ages by ancient and modern Indian tribes, Buddhist monks and Chinese shaman who understand the true influence these creatures’ posses. They are strong, sensual animals that own many admirable virtues.

The large powerful paws of a tiger contain, hidden within, long, very sharp claws. Their claws stay sheathed until grasping prey or protecting themselves or their cubs from an enemy. The ability to use power only when needed, saving it for the most important battles in life, is a much desired attribute. Those who are said to posses tiger like qualities have control over their emotions and display an excellent sense of timing, only striking when necessary, choosing to save their awesome power for when it is truly needed, and thereby ensuring their success.

Another unique characteristic of this animal is the way it hunts prey. Tigers posses great stealth and will hide and stalk their quarry, only showing themselves when they know the time is right. Tigers usually find prey that is large enough to provide sustenance for several days. This again displays the ability of this animal to harness its power and only act when the most benefit can be obtained. Tigers only hunt when they are in need of food; they are not random killers or pleasure hunters. This characteristic greatly contributes to the idea that they are indeed noble creatures.

Tigers are said to possess Lunar magic and many myths and legends portray them as sisters of the moon. They are devoted mothers, raising and protecting their young from danger, teaching them to hunt and providing them with all that they need until they are able to care for themselves properly. Mother tigers will fiercely protect her offspring from any harm or threat of harm.

To watch a tiger in the wild is to truly experience its grace and magnetism. Their movements are hypnotic and charismatic. They are considered King in their favored habitats and many cultures will not even call them by name out of respect; these tribes who live among these amazing animals call them “Lord” rather than offend the magnificent creature by addressing him in any other way.

Stripped tigers may appear very similar, but one should not be fooled by this seeming resemblance. No two tigers are the same; their stripes vary greatly from each other marking them as unique and individual amongst their species.

Tigers are honored and respected by Buddhists the world over. According to Buddhist principle, the Tiger abides in the South. They symbolize unconditional confidence, disciplined awareness, kindness and modesty. They are tranquil yet energized; and rest in a gentle state of being that has a natural sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. In Buddhist philosophy these traits that tigers possess signify the state of enlightenment.

The tiger possesses many animal virtues that are powerful and valuable and which any person would be wise to emulate or divine. One who has the power of the tiger will see enhanced charisma, sensuality, and personal magnetism; a better sense of self control allowing one the ability to use will-power and act when the timing is just right. Passion, devotion, stealth and intuition are also all part of this noble totem’s magic.

The Magnificent Tiger Totem possesses the following virtues:

Charisma, personal magnetism; sense of control, will-power, strength, leadership, sense of timing, independence, intuition, sensuality, passion, adventurous spirit, fearlessness, sense of freedom, stamina, persistence, devotion, stealth, solidarity and psychic energy.

Tiger Power Animal ~ Symbol Of Being In The Now, Sensuality, Darkness, Devotion, Confidence, and Courage

By Ina Woolcott

Mysticism and mythology surrounds the tiger. In China they believe that tigers often have on their foreheads the Chinese “mark of Wang,” or king, to be seen in the pattern of their fur. The mark is one vertical line with three horizontal ones passing through it. Due to this Tiger is one of the 12 signs of Chinese astrology. Tigers are associated with water and have all the characteristics of this element including healing, power through gentle flow and feminine energies. In China, there are 5 mystic tigers. The red tiger is the south, summer and fire. The black tiger is the symbol of the north, winter and water. The blue tiger is east, spring and vegetation. The white tiger is west, autumn and all metals. The yellow tiger is ruler of the Earth and its energies.

Known for their healing properties, tigers body parts are sought after for use in traditional Chinese medicine and exotic herbal remedies. Tigers colouring of orange/gold symbolizes vitality and regeneration. If tiger is your power animal, you heal quickly.

Tigers are noble animals that have an air of independence and confidence, and are one of the most powerful of the big cats. They are solitary, silent hunters. Therefore tigers are able to incorporate all of their abilities in order to achieve success. This symbolizes clearing the mind of all distractions and being entirely focused on the present moment.

The two sexes only come together during the mating season. The cubs stay with their mothers until around age two, partly because they are born blind. To counterbalance this their inner sight is fully functional. For those with this medicine, this is symbolic. Children who are born into this medicine are natural clairvoyants and prophets.

The agile and muscular tigers may travel very far in search of food. The distance they go depends on how much there is to eat in their territory. The less food, the further they go. Tigers walk on their toes with the back part of the foot raised when stalking their prey, or lie in wait to spring unexpectedly on them. Tigers are night stalkers/hunters teachings focus, patience and surprise.

Tiger’s medicine also includes – power, energy, strength and willpower in the face of adversity, acting in a timely manner – being in the now, acting without analysis, walker of secret paths and ancient ways, passion, devotion, confidence, courage.

The Tiger represents darkness and the new Moon. If Tiger enters your life, new adventures are almost certainly close by. New passion and power will stir inside of you. Your best work will happen in the night. People with tiger as guide are very sensual and passionate, as well as devoted parents.

Those with tiger medicine have a strong sensitivity to touch and make excellent body workers. Creating a sacred space where others cannot enter and spending time alone to accumulate the energy required to move tirelessly throughout life is advantageous to you.

The tigers sight, hearing and sense of smell is amazing. Tigers have round pupils with yellow irises, except for the blue eyes of the white tiger. They have a retinal adaptation that reflects light back to the retina, meaning their night vision is 6 times better than that of humans. Tiger shows us how to see into the world of the extraordinary.

TIGERS OF THE SNOW ~ The Siberian Tiger

Published on Jul 20, 2015

National Geographic - Journeys With Wildlife
Tigers Of The Snow - Documentary

Rarely glimpsed amid its isolated wilderness stronghold. The awe-inspiring Siberian Tiger is the biggest cat on earth.

Tigers have muscular bodies with powerful forelimbs, large heads and long tails. The pelage is dense and heavy; colouration varies between shades of orange and brown with white ventral areas and distinctive vertical black stripes, whose patterns are unique to each individual. Their function is likely for camouflage in vegetation such as long grass with strong vertical patterns of light and shade.

The tiger's stripes are also found on the skin, so that if it were to be shaved, its distinctive coat pattern would still be visible. They have a mane-like heavy growth of fur around the neck and jaws and long whiskers, especially in males. The pupils are circular with yellow irises. The small, rounded ears have a prominent white spot on the back, surrounded by black.



Role: Seeker of Personal Truth

Lesson: Power of Conviction

Element: Fire

Wind: South  ~ Recalling the Inner Child

Medicine: Uniqueness

Keywords: Divining Personal Truth. Strength through Conviction. Uniqueness. Individuality. Shadow & Light. Power.


The White Tiger`s hide of white with dark brown stripes provides near perfect camouflage during the hours of dawn and dusk, the hours during which he/she is most likely to hunt for food.  Being thus endowed, the white of the tiger appears to the eyes of potential prey, to be innocuous areas of sunlight in the forest or jungle, while the stripes provide the illusion of shadow.  Thus, it is believed that this is a spirit that dwells in both the world of darkness (physical realm) as well as that of the light (spirit realm).One who is blessed to have White Tiger walk beside them, is here with the Role to Seek Personal Truth.  Yet in order to thoroughly understand and absorb the lessons and responsibilities of this role, White Tiger Soul need first acknowledge the shadows that exist Within.

The shadows that are represented by the dark stripes of the White Tiger, may be in the form of beliefs or behaviors which bring pain either to the Self or to Others, fear turned inward, which ultimately manifests as hatred or anger, or Untruths which he/she has borne, either through the act of omission or the direct voicing of Untruth.

Yet the challenge here is acknowledgment and the facing of Personal Truths free of judgment, self retribution or placing the "responsibility" onto another.  Instead, true integration and acknowledgment of Personal Truths comes from accepting what is revealed with an open and understanding heart, while operating with the Higher Intent to change what is ultimately harmful, painful or no longer of service to the growth of the individual soul along its Life Path.

Once this self-examination and soul level cleansing has been accomplished, White Tiger Soul may then become the gleaming example to his/her fellow two-leggeds of the gift and beauty of operating from Personal Truth.


The male White Tiger can average ten feet long and weigh nearly 500 pounds, with the female being slightly smaller at an average of nine feet long and weighing in at around 300 pounds.  Typical life span of the White Tiger varies between fifteen and twenty years, though some tigers have been known to live for as long as thirty years.

This magnificent creature is a deadly predator with the ability to take down prey that ranges from small wild boar, to large buffalo.  They can reach speeds of 35 miles an hour in pursuit of their prey, however they rely more upon their ability to stalk (being well camouflaged by their stripes) and their lethal pounce, than their ability to outrun their prey.

It only takes one look at the beauty, grace and power of this wonderful animal to recognize that this is a being of incredible Strength.

White Tiger is drawn to a soul that has a powerful sense of conviction and inner strength.  Therefore, one who is blessed with this Power Totem will have strong ideas of what is "right" and "wrong," and will stand by this personal belief system, even if that means leaping in the face of popular opinion.

Naturally, this may either engender one to be an advocate of such issues as political and philosophical freedoms, or they may feel compelled to be a champion for the under-dogs of life.  However, if one is operating from Contrary White Tiger Medicine, the impulse may lean toward a judgmental attitude to any individuals who do not share their thoughts or feelings on what constitutes "right" and "wrong" thoughts, actions or deeds, or they may be arrogant in the assumption that their opinion is the only "valid" one.

Regardless of whether White Tiger Soul is operating from Higher Intent or Contrary Medicine, these individuals will be well known for their outspokenness and strength of conviction.  They are here to teach us the importance of knowing ones inner values and beliefs, and to instruct us to align the way in which we walk our Path so it is in keeping with our belief system.

When one chooses to operate from the higher vibration of White Tiger, an impassioned voice may be raised as an advocate for Balance and Acceptance, a Teacher of Fundamental Philosophy might be born, or a Leader may emerge to guide the way along the path of Universal Truth.


The White Tiger is from the Bengal sub-species of Panthera Tigeris and its white coat, blue eyes and pink nose are formed from a double recessive gene, giving them a truly special and wonderfully unique appearance.

All tigers, including the White Tiger, are not typical of their other feline cousins in that they not only tolerate water, they actually enjoy swimming, playing and indulging themselves in ponds and streams and will spend a good deal of the hot days in frolicking in and around water sources.

Sadly, this Tiger is on the Endangered Species list, warning us that this magnificent and beautiful creature is threatened with complete extinction unless we, as guardians of the Earth Mother and all the dwell upon Her, act consciously to preserve this awesome animal.

Much like their Power Totem, White Tiger Souls are individuals in every sense of the word and pride themselves upon standing apart from the group.  It is this inner drive to be recognized for their unique contributions that will often propel he/she who walks with White Tiger, into positions of public attention and recognition.  Consequently, many leaders who have elicited sweeping changes and reformation have had the blessing of White Tiger.

White Tiger reminds us that although we are All One, it is the specialized contribution of the Individual that begins the spark that later becomes the blazing torch that illuminates the night, growing brighter with each individual spirit that contributes their own unique Light.

If White Tiger manifests the Contrary Medicine, then he/she may be the proverbial rebel without a cause, tossing a stone into a calm lake without the intent of a Higher Good being served and merely to watch the ripples spread outward.

Yet when the powerful and highly individualized energies so abundant with this Totem can be harnessed and channeled in a constructive manner, then their gift of Uniqueness can spread lasting changes that benefit the Whole.  The resulting manifestation is as a brilliant star in a night sky beckoning all to partake in the beauty and fire of Life.

With Power and Strength, you glide through the night,
silent as the mist that evaporates with
the first rays of morning light

Eyes, glowing with a blue fire that reflect both water and sky,
you stare deeply into the Soul, leaving nothing unknown,
for all is revealed before your penetrating gaze

Keenest of all is the gaze you turn Inward,
searching the depths of your restless spirit
in a quest to know your Self
The Hunt for Personal Truth is called
. . . and swiftly answered

When the Truth is revealed, torn free from the grasp of the past,
any fear felt is faced with stealthy observation
and unrelenting determination,
for Fear now is the Prey

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