Totem Talk

Working With The Animal Totems

SPIRIT of the STARFISH: Shape symbolizes the five elements of earth, water, fire, air and spirit. Emotional, sensitive, empathetic, movement, truth, diversity, cosmic knowledge, constellations, stars, regeneration, renewal, facilitates feeling.

"Beauty in its supreme development invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears."

~ Edgar Allan Poe ~


STARFISH Medicine Includes: 

  • Beauty
  • Connection
  • Emotions
  • Empathy
  • Guidance
  • Hope
  • Insight
  • Inspiration
  • Light
  • Magic
  • Moon
  • Path
  • Perception
  • Regeneration 

The Starfish is a universal and celestial symbol of infinite divine love. It has been used to represent the Virgin Mary – or Stella Maris, which means Star of the Sea – an ancient title she goes by because she is believed to lovingly intercede as a guide and protector of those who travel over troubled waters or seek their livelihoods on the sea. For this reason she is also seen as an emblem of salvation during trying times, which the Starfish reflects in this mirroring symbolism. In addition to love, the Starfish also emanates the energies of inspiration, guidance, brilliance, intuition, and vigilance, with its connection to the stars. 

Starfish are exclusively sensory creatures. They have nerves that run through their center to the tips of each of their limbs. This is in lieu of brains. Now, don’t let the brainless status of the starfish give you the impression they’re without intelligence. Hardly.

"I rather think that meditative session with the starfish allowed me to detach from my analytical brain and got me to switch on my sensory faculties. In other words, the starfish facilitates feeling. I could not have accomplished that stellar sketch in my initial cerebral state." ~ Avia

Starfish Animal Spirit meaning ~ by Ted Andrews

There are many different types of life on this planet, and some are more mysterious than others. Just like the creatures on earth, some symbolisms are more mysterious than other symbolism. The complexity of an animal, plant, or idea’s symbolism does not depend on how complex the animal, plant, or idea is. In fact, some of the most simple things have the most complicated symbolism.

The starfish animal totem is an extremely simple animal. In fact, many people confuse this animal as being a plant. The starfish moves slowly in the oceans and lives a rather easy life. It eats things that move less than it does most of the time, and it has special defenses so that it can protect itself from being eaten.

Unlike many other animals, the starfish spirit guide does not have a brain. This doesn’t mean that its whole life is meaningless or that it is stupid. The starfish spiritual totem does all that it can to survive, but it relies more on its nerves rather than a thought-system.

Starfish Associated Traits:

Impulsive, Reflexive, Instinctive, Regeneration, Growth, Sustainable, Magic, Healing, Opposites

Symbolic Meaning Of Starfish

The starfish’s lack of brain is part of what makes its symbolism so important. Because it does not think, the starfish animal totem makes a great symbol for instinct and reflexes. The starfish doesn’t think about what it is going to do, it just does it. This is one of the things that helps to keep the starfish safe and that helps it to keep away from other predators.

If a starfish feels like something is wrong, it will react as soon as it can to save itself. This can apply to a human’s life as well. A person’s instinct is usually right. Many people say that your first guess is usually your best guess. Be like the starfish and use your instinct and reflexes to your benefit.Starfish Meaning in Myth and Legend

♦  Christianity:
In Christian symbolism the starfish represents the Virgin Mary (Stella Maris which means Star of the Sea) who lovingly creates safe travel over troubled waters and is also seen as an emblem of salvation during trying times. The star as well as the starfish are seen as celestial symbols and as such, they represent infinite divine love. In addition to love, the starfish also holds characteristics such as guidance, vigilance, inspiration, brilliance and intuition.

♦  Egyptian:
In Egyptian legend, starfish meaning is connected to the goddess Isis. Isis is a mother goddess who had a Salvation Army motto: “Befriending the friendless”. In other words, Isis is the mother and friend to slaves, the impoverished and those in dire need. Her connection with the starfish deals with being a guardian to troubled seafarers on the Red Sea and abroad. Isis and her sacred starfish are also associated with Sirius. Sirius is sacred to Isis because it appeared annually at the rising of the Nile – which was a time of abundance and renewal for the Egyptians. See the symbolic themes of the starfish flowing together?

♦  Roman:
In Roman mythology, the starfish is a symbol of the love goddess Venus. She was born from the foaming tides of the Adriatic sea. Some paintings depict her with a shell in her hand – others with a starfish. Venus shares a connection with the starfish because she is a sensory goddess, and so too is the starfish. Like the waters she is born from, Venus is a goddess of feeling and emotion. She is also a goddess who governs tactile, physical attributes. The five-pointed starfish is a symbol of two arms, two legs and the top limb as the head (think Vitruvian man). Venus and the starfish make a symbolic duo of love, sensitivity, emotion, and physical wholeness.

♦  Tsimshian:
Tsimshian is an order of Native Americans who hail from the Northwest Coast of North America. This order is comprised of Tlingit and Haida, of which are divided into two factions: Ravens and Eagles, respectively. Within the Haida-Eagle faction, there is a sub-clan. The starfish clan. In fact, starfish are sometimes carved into Haida totem poles to mark the lineage of this branch. Haida picked the starfish as an emblem because they observed it to be super-strong. Its ability to crack into a mussel shell proved great strength. Haida also connected longevity with starfish meaning. They observed the starfish ability to regenerate, and deemed the starfish to be immortal.


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