Working With The Animal Totems
SPIRIT of the QUAIL: Grounding, Nurturing, Unity, Peace, Group Cooperation, Abundance, Romance, Safety, Bravery, Devotion, Relationship to Community
The Quail Spirit Animal arrives in your awareness when it’s time to act on a dream, hope, or goal long held dear. You’ve had more than enough time to ponder it. If you don’t move, you will achieve nothing. Stalling gives people who want the same things as you an advantage. The time to proceed is now. The only caution Quail offers you is: Know once you put flame to your spark you must take care not to burn out.
If you’ve been feeling under the weather, the Quail Spirit Animal strongly suggests slowing down and focusing on recovery. Your energy levels are hitting the “E” mark. You’re stressing over matters having no distinct impact on your life too. Walk away from chaos, drama, and never-ending noise to heal.
If you have embarked on a new spiritual quest, the Quail Spirit Animal has come with higher knowledge. The Quail nudges the mystic within you, showing you a glimpse of gifts to come. Remain open-minded during the process.
When the Quail Spirit Animal presents itself, it’s time to observe your environment with full focus. There is a dangerous situation lurking in the shadows. Use your analytical skills to get to the core. There is a way you can prevent harm to yourself or people you love. Make a plan and implement it with Quail’s guidance.
For people who feel uncomfortable in a group setting, the Quail Spirit Animal is a godsend. Quails help each other out. They observe and move together, even in troublesome times. Find your sacred circle of folk and treat them with loving care. Don’t shrink from it just because it feels different.
Individuals born with a Quail Totem Animal seem almost fragile on the outside when they’re bastions of inner strength and diligence. Each learning experience is welcome. They embrace each opportunity for affirmative action.
If you have a Quail Totem Animal, you strive to remain aware of everything around you. Your inner eye catches danger long before most other people. When you trust your instincts, things don’t find you unprepared. People cannot disguise their intentions from your scrutiny.
Whenever trouble rears its ugly head, people flock to you for comfort. You know how to respond to a situation, acting when it’s prudent. Along the way, you ease others’ concerns and dispel tension. Caution: Remind yourself-problems don’t wait around every corner. You need not worry all the time.
In your career and social life, you enjoy being with a group. Brainstorming is right up your alley. Sometimes you even find love in an ensemble. Being part of something greater than yourself makes you happy.
Look to your inner Quail Power Animal when you realize you’re not connecting effectively with your loved ones or inner circle of friends. Quail understands sharing and caring. Your Power Animal stresses putting priorities in order. Focus on individuals near-and-dear to your heart, giving them more time and attention.
By extension, when your social interactions go dry, the Quail Power Animal refills your inner well. It directs your attention to people who re-energize you. Once found, these folks spark your creativity in whole new, meaningful ways.
The Quail Animal Helper appears in various tribal dances. Seeing one was an excellent omen for hunting. Among Southwestern tribes, Quail embodies modesty and humility.
Among families, the surname Quail had its beginning on the Isle of Man. In the Ogham, a Celtic mystery tradition centered on the meanings of trees, plants, and animals, Quail had ties to the Rowan tree. Rowan plays a significant role in Celtic mythology, and the tree’s energies have associations with great wisdom, protection, and magical arts.
In Greek mythology, Asteria (the starry one) used the form of a Quail to elude Zeus’s amorous approaches. Once in bird form, She threw Herself into the Aegean Sea and transformed a second time into the island Ortygia (later referred to as Delos), sometimes called Quail Island.
A Quail flying over your head in a dream is a message of progress. You changed your priorities recently, giving you a higher purpose and focus. Keep going.
When Quails appear in groups in your dream, they represent the community. Look to see how well the unit gets along. It mirrors the overall vibrations you experience in the circles you travel.
Quails sitting in a circle is a warning. Protect yourself and your tribe. Someone is trying to take advantage or impede something positive for you.
Baby Quails portend good health, particularly for children.
Hearing Quails in the distance indicates delightful news is arriving. You are about to receive a much-deserved reward or assistance that furthers your goals.
Records of the Quail date back to 770 BCE. The Chinese see the Quail as an emblem of courage and harmony. Because they mate for life, they symbolize loyalty and devotion too. In art, the image of nine Quails with Chrysanthemums represents a wish for a family line’s generations to always live in peace together.
There is a story about a soon-to-be Buddha who was born as a Quail. In Bird form, he instructed others to escape hunters’ nets by working together and moving further into the woods. The birds who listened evaded the danger.
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