Totem Talk

Working With The Animal Totems

Spirit of the Platypus: Uniqueness and Connection to Ancient Animals


Platypus' Wisdom Includes:

* Connection the ancient animals
* Ability to remain unique
* Value of remaining as you are
* Ability to rear young differently

The Platypus

The duck billed platypus is a small semi aquatic mammal that lives in the lakes and streams of eastern Australia and Tasmania. It is notable for having a broad flat rubbery snout that contains electro receptors enabling it to detect electrical fields produced by moving muscles of its prey. When submerged in water the eyes and ears are closed by a fold of skin. The sensitive muzzle of the platypus guides it while it swims blind. Those with this totem have the ability to balance and ground energy currents as they move through the body. For people who channel or work in any form of energetic healing this can be advantageous. Platypus medicine people use their inner sight to guide them through life and are natural clairvoyants.

The platypus swims gracefully and expertly using the front feet. The hind feet in conjunction with its flattened tail are used mainly for stabilization. The tail also assists it in diving. Water has long been associated with the subconscious and the secrets it holds. Those with this totem are investigative, always searching for the deeper meaning of each situation they encounter.

The platypus finds its food chiefly in underwater mud and has an enormous appetite. They emerge for feeding in early morning or late afternoon. Foods grown below ground are often beneficial for those with this medicine.

Mating occurs in the water. Poisonous spurs on the hind legs of the male are used to hold the female. An unusual courtship precedes mating in which the male grabs the females tail and the pair swim in circles. In ancient myth and lore a circle signifies wholeness. Those with this totem usually have strong karmic lessons associated with completion. If this medicine is underdeveloped they find themselves unable to finish projects.

The platypus digs winding burrows with side branches in the banks of streams and lakes that it inhabits. These burrows indicate its flexibility to move in different directions effortlessly. It teaches us how to access the hidden chambers of our subconscious and move according to our personal rhythms. The platypus is a powerful totem to have. It is a unique animal in both its appearance and its abilities and can show us how to awaken our own uniqueness.


The platypus represents female energy. Its elements, water and Earth, are also those of woman. Its balancing power enables the platypus to play and have fun with its offspring all day. The platypus would never start a fight, because it does not know aggression and imbalance. Therefore, it approaches everybody with curiosity and friendliness. It will only defend itself if attacked first. Its physical shape also corresponds to the Native American image of femininity. It is slender and full of grace. The Platypus teaches that being a woman is about joy and openness not envy or jealousy. It is the power of sharing kindness. People with the energy of the platypus practice free love without control and power games. They are the true practitioners of unconditional love. They flow with the stream of life without the need of material goods. This is the powerful, receiving-energy of women.


The platypus represents feminine energy, it is a sign of balance, the earth and the water. It teaches that to be a woman is to move with grace and with unconditional love...not to play power games or be jealous of others...Flowing with the waters of your life you are freed from the need for material things so you can play in the stream of life.

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