Totem Talk

Working With The Animal Totems

Spirit of the Parrot/Macaw: Communication, flight, beauty, guidance in wisdom, thinks before speaking, mimic, color healing, mimicry, always look to the left. Trust your sharp vision and spirit perception.


ZUNI Creation Story of Raven and Macaw:

MACAW-- Language, mockery, bringer of rain & rainbows


Parrot/Macaw's Wisdom Includes:

* Use of language
* Mockery
* Pair bonding
* Brings rain
* Guidance and wisdom to think before speaking

Intelligence, beauty, inventiveness. Loud, self-confident and active, macaws are the symbol of creative intelligence, inspiration, and freedom. Macaw people are often artistic, whether their talent is in visual art, music, or dance.

The parrot as a healer would be representative of both a color therapist and a speech therapist. Parrot is a magical totem that teaches us that the world is full of possibility. The role of the parrot is that of a linguist opening communication centers. When this totem appears look to see if you need assistance in understanding views that are different from your own.


Parrot teaches listening to all of nature and awakening to the language within using intuition for more open communications. They bridge understanding and will show you a deeper subtle harmony inherent in all things. Parrots show intelligence, good temperament and a sense of diplomacy. Do you have color and spice in your life? Are you listening to discernment in communications? It is time to be creative and express your ideas and make life vivid either by being bold and vocal or being quiet. Parrot will teach the quality you need to capture the color, the joy, the magic in life's endeavors.


The parrot is an alert bird with a good temperament. They are very intelligent and have been taught to mimic humans. A bird which can speak the human language is considered to be a link between mankind's world and the world of nature. They serve as a bridge in which both can cross to gain a deeper understanding about one another. This understanding allows both kingdoms to live in harmony.

One of the most outstanding features of the parrot is its range of coloring. Parrots invoke a sense of hope and promise. Just looking at its brilliant feathers gives us a feeling of excitement and wonder. For those who identify with this totem opportunities to renew their dreams and visions are offered.

Parrots teach us the power of magic. Their feathers are used in healing rituals to invoke the properties of color and light. Color and light therapy have been used by many native tribes to heal the sick or injured. For those with this totem the study of its colors will reveal a lot about yourself.

Parrots can be very vocal or very quiet depending upon the situation they are in. In humans this indicates an innate ability to know when to voice ones opinion and when to be silent. Lessons associated with discernment are always present in a parrot medicine person. The parrot is a feel good bird and is a great ally in healing depression. When the parrot flies into your life it is asking you to recapture the magic of living. It is time to enjoy your life and all it holds.


The parrot family ranges from the mighty, majestic macaw to the tiny, talkative Australian budgie. Also known as hookbills, parrots generally have a long life span. As a matter of fact, large parrots often outlive their owners.  These fascinating animals have been coveted for centuries due to their unusually beautiful plumage, outstanding intelligence and the ability to learn human language.  Parrots bring important opportunities to understand our own human experience, for those that wish to listen.
Overall, the parrot is an alert bird with a good temperament. Parrots live in flocks and mate for life. They are extremely social and active. And, parrots are extremely intelligent, no matter what the size or species.  In fact, recent studies reveal that parrots have their own language plus, they are capable of learning human language. Of course, it's intelligence brings forth a sense of curiosity. Parrots need to work, learn, experience new opportunities.

Parrots require opportunities to problem solve, just like people.
All parrots need to solve puzzles.  They must experience novelty.  From totem perspective, a bird that wants to speak human language and connect with it's flock leader (you)  is considered to be a link between mankind's world and the world of nature. Parrots serve as a bridge in which both can  gain a deeper understanding about one another. This understanding allows both kingdoms to live in harmony - if the human wants it.

In addition to intelligence and communication capabilities, one of the most outstanding features of the parrot is its spectacular range of coloring.  Parrots are both visually and intellectually bright.  Parrots evoke a sense of hope and promise. Just looking at a parrots brilliant plumage gives one a feeling of excitement and wonder. For those who identify with Parrot Totems, we have the remarkable opportunity to renew our understanding of our interconnectedness to all earthly life.   
Parrot people tend to be insightful.   We're sensitive to color tones, hues, harmony, and blends. We're aware that moods can be created with the use of color. Combine this insight with great communication skills for a responsive, understanding ability to love.
Parrots teach us the power of magic. Their feathers are used in healing rituals to invoke the properties of color and light. Color and light therapy have been used by many native tribes to heal the sick or injured. For those with this totem, the study of your colors will reveal a lot about yourself.
Parrots in general are vocal. They have special tones and whistles that their flock mates recognize.  You can bond with your parrot by imitating its personal whistle. Vocalization is somewhat dependent on your parrots species and personality.  But, more importantly, parrot vocalization depends on the opportunities you allow your parrot to talk. Your parrot must spend time with you. Never the less, parrots can be quite noisy.
In humans this indicates an innate ability to know when to voice ones opinion and when to be silent. Lessons associated with discernment are always present in a parrot medicine person. A bird which can speak the human language is considered to be a link between mankind's world and the world of nature. They serve as a bridge in which both can cross to gain a deeper understanding about one another. This understanding allows both kingdoms to live in harmony. When the parrot flies into your life it is asking you to recapture the magic of living. It is time to enjoy your life and all it holds.

Night Parrot, Nocturnal Bird In Australia, Seen Alive For First Time In Over A Century

By Thuy Ong

SYDNEY, July 5 (Reuters) - A nocturnal Australian parrot that hops like a kangaroo and had not been seen alive for more than a century has not only been seen but has been photographed, a naturalist said on Friday, but he is keeping the whereabouts a secret.

Scientists had previously based their knowledge of the critically endangered Night Parrot, a ground-dwelling bird, on the occasional dead specimen and recordings of its call - which is rare enough.

"I've only heard them in one place and I've been in a hundred places," said John Young, a naturalist and documentary film maker who has consulted with Australian wildlife services.

"The strangest thing about this parrot, living on the ground, it hops like a little kangaroo."

Young's alleged sighting on May 25 in the northern state of Queensland was the culmination of a 15-year quest. He told Reuters that he lured the shy, palm-sized bird out with a recorded parrot call.

"I couldn't get over it," he said.

The Night Parrot is small with yellowish green plumage, mottled with brown and black specks. It hides in spinefex grass during the day and is active at night.

In 2012, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) listed the bird as critically endangered, its population depleted by feral cats, foxes and changes in the environment after European settlement in Australia.

With no firm estimates about how many of the birds exist in the wild, Young refused to reveal where he found the parrot.

"I think the worst thing we can do at the moment is to let too many people anywhere near it," said Young. "In the time I had with the bird the other night, it is the most sensitive bird I have ever seen."

Leo Joseph, the director and research leader of the wildlife collection at government research body CSIRO, supported Young.

"The sooner we can learn how to look for them and find them elsewhere the better," Joseph told Reuters. "For now, keeping the locality a secret is the way to go." (Reporting by Thuy Ong; Editing by Elaine Lies)

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