Totem Talk

Working With The Animal Totems

SPIRIT of the OTTER: Joy, Primal Feminine energy, playfulness, laughter, mischievousness, creativity, transformation, and psychic abilities.


Go To: OTTER BIRTH TOTEM ~ January 20 to February 18

Otter's Wisdom Includes:

* Woman’s healing wisdom
* Sensibility without suspicion
* Guidance in unmasking talents
* Psychic awareness
* Faithfulness
* Recovery issues
* Understanding the value of playtime

Playful, capricious, active. Otter people are often very lighthearted, playful people who are naturally joyful. During rough times, otter people are often optimistic and are masters in finding the humor in even the worst situations. Otter medicine teaches the value of laughter, play, and feminine wisdom.

OTTER Totem:

The otter's white whiskers have gained them the nickname of "Old Men of the Sea." As the smallest of all mammals, male otters grow to just over 4 feet long, including their tail.

Otters have huge appetites and will normally eat 5,000 pounds of food a year. Though they'll eat any type of marine animal, they prefer the slower moving prey.

Sea otter babies are almost the same size as their mothers.

Otter brings understanding of our childlike self and asks us to rediscover our playful side. In its wisdom it advises us to nurture our talents and make good use of them.

OTTER Family’s Wisdom Includes:

Healing Power of Laughter
Being Eloquent
Good Communication
A Love of Children
Being Creative
Free of Spirit
Grace and Empathy
Sharing and Loving
Being a Good Mother
Female Spirit

There are two kinds of Otter, the river and sea. Delightful creatures to watch in the wild otters have a strong curiosity exploring every nook and cranny they can find just to see what's there. Their curiosity reminds us that everything is interesting if looked at from different angles. They know how to float on the currents of life enjoying the beauty that it holds. Their relaxed attitude reminds us to laugh with life and not take things to seriously. They offer us the gift of laughter, trust and playfulness.

Otters are agile and fast in the water. They are often seen floating on their backs with their paws extended out of the water, sliding on their bellies playfully, or performing acrobatic maneuvers. Water has long been associated with the emotional energies in man. Otters glide through the emotional ups and downs of life with ease and can teach us how to do the same. They represent the creative, nurturing energies that live within us and show us how to honor them.

Otters are excellent parents and care for their young longer than most other marine mammals. They enjoy the company of other otters and are rarely seen alone. Those with this medicine benefit by living on or close to the water and find comfort in group interactions.

The otter is very talkative. When frightened their calls take on an erie piercing sound similar to a baby screaming. They have few natural enemies and are not afraid of humans. During the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, otters were one of the few creatures that would allow humans to hold them without putting up a fight. As the oil was wiped from their bodies the otter would lie very still in the arms of the one caring for it, unafraid and trusting.

When otter appears in your life it is asking you to let go of worry and pain, lighten up and enjoy what life has to offer. Trust your inner knowing , develop trust for others and embrace the world with excitement and enthusiasm. Life is what we make it. The otter shows us how to create a joyful future. All we need to do is follow its lead.


“Like Cats, Otters are very curious creatures. When you feel as though you are involved too much into other people's affairs, then call on Otter to help balance that out.” Copyright: Rabbit’s Warren of Wisdom.

“Otter is very expressive and communicative. She communicates with chuckles, twitters, purrs, coos, growls, and often says “Hay?” in an inquiring tone of voice. With Otter in your mind and your heart, you can develop verbal expressiveness and eloquence.” Copyright: “The Way of the Animal Spirits”, Dolfyn and Swimming Wolf.

“Otter aids the individual in search of joyful expression in life and promotes a harmony between pure play and skillful provision.” Copyright: “The Spirit of Place”, Loren Cruden.

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