Totem Talk

Working With The Animal Totems

Spirit of the Llama ~ Love, symbol of endurance, balanced action

The Llama has a high tolerance for persevering under a burden. Though they can become stubborn if treated poorly, they are hard working and dependable. Lessons to be learned from the llama are:

  • Endurance under difficult situations
  • Responsibility and hard work
  • Balanced action that comes from perseverance toward a worthy goal

Llama - A symbol of overcoming hurdles. When a llama appears in a dream or meditation, it is there to guide you to the right path. As a totem or power animal, the llama teaches you to not to rush into things, and how to manuver any path before you.


LLAMA Wisdom Includes:

  • Overcomingmaterialism
  • Responsibility
  • Hard Work
  • Adaptation
  • Perseverance
  • Strength
  • Moving over hurdles
  • Curiosity
  • Comforting others
  • Balanced Action
  • Patience
  • Endurance
  • Withstanding cold

ALPACA’S Wisdom Includes:

  • Aspiring to Great Things
  • Divine Gifts
  • Being Full of Wonder
  • Interdependence
  • To Be Giving
  • To Use Only What Is Needed


These animals are the expression of Mother Earth (Mama Pacha) in the animal kingdom and symbolize the service of love. They provide wool, meat, fur, bones, the heart and intestines for the omen. Their excrement is also used as the most powerful natural fertilizer that the Andean man has ever known. Its lard represents the seminal male energy, which engenders new life or new vital energy.

The Incas of South America said that Alpaca was a gift from Mama Pacha, the Earth Mother, a gift loaned to them for only as long as Alpaca was properly cared for. Magical and beguiling, Alpaca was treasured by the Incas for her fine wool. To the Incas, textiles were a source of wealth. They believed that if you stole and wore your enemy’s clothing, you had power over him. Since Alpaca's wool produced the softest and finest textiles, the Incas regarded Alpaca to be an animal of power.

To conquer the Incas, the Spanish had to kill off as many Alpacas that they could. To escape the invading Spaniards, some Incas fled to the high Andean plateaus. To save Alpaca, they took Her with them to places the Spanish could not go.

Then in the early 1800s, the Europeans discovered the softness of Alpaca’s wool. They encouraged the Peruvians to raise more Alpacas. The British Royal Family, like the Inca Royal Family centuries before, favored Alpaca's wool for their winter clothing.

Alpaca was safe, until the late 1900s, when Peruvian terrorists began killing them off. Again, Alpaca was saved by people who cared about her. The governments of Bolivia, Chile, and Peru sent Alpacas to Canada, the United States, and New Zealand to save Them. Through human efforts, Alpaca was safe again.

What was it about Alpaca that inspired people to help Her? Because of her hardy nature and gentleness, Alpaca kept people from harm with her warm wool. Out of love, they saved Her and cared for Her. They kept Her from harm by taking Her to safety. As Alpaca proves, love is powerful.

Alpaca’s Teachings Also Include:

“The Alpaca is the Totem of people who have experienced the effects of personal loss, but make it their mission to enrich the lives of others.” Copyright: “Animal Messengers” by Scott Alexander King

If Llama has come across your path;

She is here to remind you that only through hard work and perseverance will yourdreams be realized. Know that you have the ability to adapt to any situation you find yourself in. Know that whatever loads you are carrying right now you will be able to manage and see them through. Alternatively Llama could also be reminding you that your biggest focus should be yourself and that personal growth and your connectionto spirit should be your highest priority at all times. Insisting on following your heart rather than your ego will bring you all the rewards you are seeking.

If Llama is your Animal Totem;

You have a very easy going personality and have a tendency to sacrifice your own lifestyle to accommodate others. You also tend to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders and have a strong connection to the environment and its subtle changes. If you are treated unfairly you tend to get somewhat stubborn and willful and make it clear that you are not pleased with the situation. You are generous inservice to others and thrive in group settings although you often forget to serve yourself. You choose your friends carefully.

If Llama has come into your Dream;

To see a Llama in your dreams can represent the deep trust and faith you have in your own personal journey. Llama is symbolizing that you have the strength andendurance to reach your goal. Alternatively Llama could also be putting you on notice that you are worrying too much and carrying to large a load.

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