Totem Talk

Working With The Animal Totems

Spirit of the Lizard: Dreaming

IGUANA: An ancient one who is little understood. Patient, gentle, kind and understanding. Living near water and fond of going swimming. Will die if confined. "The benevolent dragon":

Lizard's Wisdom Includes:

* Detachment from ego
* Power to regenerate that which is lost
* Facing fear
* Controlling dreams
* Moving in the otherworld


* Some Southwest Indian tribes believe horned lizards can cure the sick by asking for the lizard's strength in song and chant showing their respect to the animal.

* The Lizard is often seen laying peacefully in the shadows of rocks or seen skittering around in dark holes, between light and darkness and is thus referred to as the 'dream walker' or one who lives in the dream world. Dreams are important to the human psychic and depict subtle messages from deep within the mind. Lizard medicine reveals these hidden messages during the dream state. Proper interpretation of these dreams often requires the assistance of one trained in the ways of the lizard medicine.

* The psychic characteristics inherent in the lizard teaches those with this medicine how to awaken their own abilities by making choices that honor every part of ones life. When lizard appears it signifies a need to go within and analyze your present reality and once done, move with confidence and conviction out into the world of new beginnings.

* A powerful totem to have, lizard reveals your weaknesses, your strengths and prompts the energy of change.

*The lizard is very sensitive to ground vibrations, they have keen eyesight and superior hearing. Those who feel the spirit of the lizard can learn ways to use their enhanced sensory perceptions to connect with their deeper psychic and spiritual awareness.

* One power of the lizard is its ability to escape from danger by leaving its tail behind and growing another. When lizard slithers into your life, it may mean a need to move quickly to avoid danger and be prepared to leave something behind.

Lizard / Iguana:

Within the human collective consciousness, lizards are archetypes of:

* Adaptation
* Variation
* Flexibility
* Shrewdness
* Quickness
* Introversion

Lizards win these many of these attributes due to their cold blooded nature.

They are flexible and adaptive to their environment, and the human psyche translates this as being symbolic of going with the flow and overcoming adverse external conditions.

Due to their scurrying natures, quick pace and lightning reaction times, the lizard is considered the consummate escape artist. This makes them symbolic of our ability to recognize danger and remove ourselves from harm's way when the situation calls for it.

Furthermore, most lizards are gifted with various forms of camouflage, and trickery to allude predators (like detaching their tails of caught by a hungry predator so that the lizard can escape to live another day).

These gifts of illusion are symbolic messages to us that within us (as children of nature ourselves) we have impressive gifts we may utilize for our well-being. The lizard comes with a message about our responsibility to recognize these hidden gifts and skills so that we may avoid harm, and live freely and happily as we are designed to live.

The Lizard

The lizard is an expert at subtle perception. They are sensitive to vibrations in the ground. Their eyes are sharp and can detect the slightest movement. They also have excellent hearing. Those with this totem have the ability to utilize all aspects of psychic perception.

Through myth and legend the Lizard is associated with the Dream time. Dreams contain some of the subtlest perceptions of the mind of which we may not be conscious. The lizard reveals hidden messages through the dream state. If lizard is your totem pay attention to the symbolic messages received in your dreams.

One of the most interesting characteristics of the lizard is their ability to break off their tails to escape predators. The tail is left behind writhing to distract the predator while the lizard makes its escape. They can do this only once, however, since the replacement tail they grow is made of cartilage instead of vertebrae.

The power of lizard lies in its ability to save itself from danger by leaving a part of itself behind. When lizard appears in a persons life it suggests the need for immediate change in one or more areas of their life. This change represents letting go of outdated ideas, actions, or lifestyles because the old now endangers you in some way.

Since lizard can discard its tail only once it advises you to make decisions wisely for what you decide can follow you around for a very long time. If something isn't working for you it is time to let it go.

The psychic characteristics inherent in the lizard teaches those with this medicine how to awaken their own abilities by making choices that honor every part of ones life. When lizard appears it signifies a need to go within and analyze your present reality and once done, move with confidence and conviction out into the world of new beginnings. A powerful totem to have, lizard reveals your weaknesses, your strengths and prompts the energy of change.

A lizard's keen sense of vibrations from the ground, excellent hearing and sharp eyesight enables them to detect the slightest movement. One fascinating ability lizards have, is being able to break off their tails to escape predators. As their tail is writhing, it distracts the predator so the lizard can make its escape. Unfortunately, a lizard can only do this once because the tail grows back cartilage instead of vertebrae.

In myths and lore, Lizard is associated with dreaming. Dreams awaken our unconscious mind and make us aware of issues we haven't been ready to face in our conscious lives. Lizard appears when we need to analyze our present reality and brings the message for immediate change in some area or areas of our life. This change can represent letting go of old ideas or negative behaviors which endanger our growth.

Lizards are associated with "dreamtime" and "clairvoyance." They have the ability to consciously tap into intuition and higher knowledge. People with lizard medicine are able to sense subtle energies that most people overlook. It is important for people with lizard as their totem to pay heed to their own inner messages. Lizards are also known for their great speed and quick movements. For this reason, it is not surprising that a cartoon Gecko is a commercial icon for a well known car insurance company. Car accidents are often the result of speeding on the roadways. When lizard shows up it is likely a message to slow down and observe. It is time for you to be put on alert. Pay attention! You may be missing obvious clues that are right in front of you because you are in such a hurry to get somewhere

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