Working With The Animal Totems
Spirit of the LION (LIONESS) ~ Solar Feminine Power,
Family Ties, Strength, Courage, Protector, Sun Energy
LINKS:'s Message and Medicine
Lion's Wisdom Includes:
Symbol of the Sun, the female as the hunter and the power of “Diana the Huntress”, life lessons involving living in groups and working cooperatively, respecting the position of others in the group, learning to let go of anger and jealousy, avoiding confrontation and fighting only when necessary, good parenting skills, caring for the young with patience and gentleness, the women doing all the work while the men lay around looking majestic.
Keynote: Assertion of the Feminine and the Power of the Female Sun
Cycle of Power: Year-round
The lion is the second largest member of the cat family. The traits of cats should be studied in general, for the lion embodies many of them. It makes its home on the savannas of Africa, and those with this totem would do well to study the significance of the savannas. The lion's main prey is the antelope and this should be studied as well.
The lion has been symbolic of a variety of energies through the years. It is a symbol of the sun and of gold. It was a symbol for the sun god Mithra. The Egyptians believed that the lion presided over the annual floods of the Nile. Early Christians believed it be the earthly opponent of the eagle. The medieval alchemists associated it with the fixed element of sulphur, and a young lion was often the symbol of the rising sun and all that is implied by it.
The lion is unusual among members of the cat family in that it will live in groups called prides. If a lion has shown up as a totem, you can expect lessons and issues dealing with community and groups to surface. There may be a need to examine your own role in the group.
Within the pride, the females are the best hunters. Although most lions are clumsy hunters by themselves, they have developed an excellent cooperative hunting technique. The females, though, do most of the hunting and the rearing of the cubs. The lion cubs lead relatively care-free existence. Their parents are patient and affectionate with the cubs, and most individuals with lions as totems find those same qualities developing within themselves.
The males are most noticeable by their large mane. They do very little work. They can be passionate and excessively jealous of the lionesses. They protect the pride against predators. When hunting they use their roar to scare prey toward the waiting lioness. If a male lion has shown up as your totem, you may need to examine your usefulness within some group or community in your life. Do you need to do more than you are? Do you need to be more protective? Do you need to cooperate more?
The lion does not fight for the sake of fighting. It avoids confrontations, and will leave the scene of danger if possible. This is a tactic to keep in mind if the lion is your totem. Lions also hunt primarily by stealth, and the most common method of killing it is by strangulation. This technique is something for those with this totem to practice developing when pursuing new endeavors and objectives in any area of life. Be stealthy for the greatest success.
The idea of the young lion being associated with the rising sun is most significant. Since the females of the pride do most of the work, it actually reflects the idea of the rising of the feminine energies. The sun has not always been a masculine symbol. It does give birth to new days, and it nurtures and warms life. Thus it is not stretching the correlation to see the lion as the assertion of feminine energies to bring forth birth and new power.
When a lion has shown up, there will be opportunity to awaken to a new sun. Trust your feminine energies~ creativity, intuition, and imagination. These will add new sunshine to your life. Don't be afraid to roar if you feel threatened or intruded upon.
Totem Animal: Lion
If you have chosen to invoke Lion spirit as your totem animal, be very sure you are ready for the spiritual growth and lessons you may encounter. Just remember, transmutation can be extremely positive or negative so use the lessons of Lion wisely.
Choosing the Lion as an Animal Totem symbolizes your readiness to face challenges head on.
There is a bit of the wild-child in this totem, so learning self-control is also one of this Spirit’s important lesson.
Invoke the Lion when you need to assert yourself or when you feel that a predator is in your territory. Lion spirit supports you with the qualities of confidence and old-fashioned pluck.
As Animal Totems go, a Lion is one of the best for leaders dealing with less-than-cooperative groups as it can give you the courage to make whatever changes are necessary so the Pride is protected.
Lion Power Animal
Because we are all connected on a cellular level, you have the power to reach inside yourself and tap into those parts of you that house the instincts, characteristics and abilities of Lion.
Internalize and utilize Lion characteristics when you want to achieve goals. Reach inside and grasp the inherent instincts and abilities you have to harmonize your energy-pattern with the characteristics of a horse. Simply put, “Be the Lion”.
Lion as a Power Animal runs into our lives with all the power of the noon-day sun. There is no hesitancy here – rather simple knowingness. Lion people know their place in the proverbial food chain and in the world. They are a proud lot with commanding communication skills and a natural knack for leadership.
Walking with the Lion as a Power Animal means being ready for trouble, but not seeking it out.
Channeling Lion energy encourages you to do what is noble and right with conviction. Don’t be afraid to use the Lion’s energy waiting in the grasses of your Aura. Letting even just a little out puts predators on notice, particularly when it comes to your intimate pride. Disrespect is not in Lion’s vocabulary, let alone the word “quit”.
The sacred triad of character traits: honor, respect and gratitude sum up the Lion’s metaphysical associations nicely. Honor means appreciation, respect is earned and gratitude goes hand in hand with walking in this world as a spirit-being.
© 2025 Created by Terri Benning.
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