Spirit of the Jellyfish: Acceptance and Faith

Jellyfish's Wisdom Includes:
* Sensitivity to water energy—emotions
* Understanding of the value of floating, rather than swimming,
through trying emotional times
* Proper use of softness (not being rigid)
* Ability to become untangled from the webs of peril in life
The transparency of the jellyfish teaches the inner source within each of us. We have an enormous amount of power within us to draw upon. We can turn on the light even in the depths of darkness through the wisdom the jellyfish. It often shows up just when you believe there is no hope left.
The jellyfish sting symbolizes that even the most vulnerable has the ability to shield and protect itself from outside influences. The jellyfish is an electrifying totem. It offers a spark to energize and illuminate. Powerful!
Jellyfish, Power Animal, Symbol of Acceptance and Faith
By Ina Woolcott
Jellyfish's medicine includes - sensitivity to water energy (emotions), understanding of the value of floating rather than swimming through trying emotional times, proper use of softness (not being rigid), ability to become untangled from the webs of peril in life, acceptance and faith,
There are many species of jellyfish, with the Man of War being the best known. They grow 3 to 14 inches long, and rise up to 6 inches out of the water. Their tentacles hang down up to 45+ feet below the waters surface. The tentacles consist of a colony of polyps, which bear muscular stinging cells. When sensing a fish, the stinging cells shoot out barbs that go into the fish injecting a deadly poison.
Jellyfish reside in the warm seas across the whole planet. During warmer seasons they tend to move toward the poles, and during cooler months, they toward the Equator.
Jellyfish hold acceptance and faith, knowing and trusting that All That Is will provide the necessary for them to survive.
These are the only creatures that rely on movement for the sustenance of their lives - they have almost no ability to move on their own, depending oceans currents and the directions of the wind to move it on the way that it must go.
As they move in harmony with the currents of life, they show to us how to flow with the natural forces of Mother Earth. There are some ancient healers who hold the belief that the tapestry of true spiritual knowledge is held within the transparent form of the jellyfish.
Jellyfish know how to survive and only eat the most necessary food.
If this is your power animal, maintaining balance in all areas of your life is an important lesson for you to learn. When the jellyfish swims into your life, ask yourself if you are flowing with life in a balanced manner or whether you are wasting too much time drifting aimlessly and not enough time actively crossing the currents and heading toward your goals. Watch yourself attentively and study the jellyfish, then balance can be achieved.