Working With The Animal Totems
SPIRIT OF THE HAWK: Messenger, Visionary, Protector, Perspective, Focus, Priorities, Inner Visions, Wisdom, Guardian of Mystics and Travelers.
Hawk's Wisdom Includes:
Hawk is beauty and grace in motion. In Dreamtime, hawk is a messenger that warns us to proceed with caution. The key is to sense the subtle meaning carried by the winds of change. Hawk's gift is to surrender to the truth that lies beneath the surface of our reality. The key is to go deep within our psyche in order to see our future path with clear vision. Hawk spirit is very powerful medicine that brings great honor and integrity to the dreamer.
Hawk teaches visionary power and clear sight with strong observation habits while using patience. He is a sign showing how to ride the winds of change, creativity and the power to surrender oneself to Spirit's guidance. Hawk clarifies reality and reiterates that one is on the correct life path. He aids in truth and illumination, gives a sense of guardianship and watchfulness and reiterates wise and important of opportunities are opening up. His swiftness, wisdom, leadership and strength in actions will guide with honor, integrity with grace and beauty. He will show how to see more in life from a higher perspective of truth. Hawk will show you how to fulfill your soul's purpose. Be ready for a greater intensity to life for Hawk will guide you in the mind, body and spiritual aspects of your journey.
The hawk’s gifts include clear sightedness, being observant, long distance memory, messages from the universe, guardianship, recalling past lives, courage, wisdom, illumination, seeing the bigger picture, creativity, truth, experience, wise use of opportunities, overcoming problems, magic, focus.
Hawk is associated with the number 14, with the tarot card Temperance. The Temperance card represents the teaching of higher expressions of psychic ability and vision.
The Hawk represents a messenger in the Native American culture. It often shows up in our life when we need to pay attention to the subtle messages found around us, and from those we come into contact with. As with all messages received, it is important to recognise the messages underlying truth. We will be taught to be observant and also pay attention to what we may overlook. This could mean a talent we aren’t using, a gift or unexpected help for which we haven’t shown our gratitude for, or a message from the Universe. As there are so many hawk varieties, the messages vary and can affect all levels of our psyche.
Hawks are the protectors and visionaries of the Air. They hold the key to higher levels of consciousness. This power animal enables us to awakens vision and inspires a creative life purpose. Having Hawk as power animal means your life will be filled with responsibility, because Hawk people seek the overall view. You will most probably be aware of omens and spirit messages.
A Red tailed Hawk is special. It will ALWAYS be with you, for life. It has direct ties to the Kundalini, the seat of primal life force. It is linked to the base chakra. If you have this power animal, you need to be aware of and work toward fulfilling your soul’s destiny. It reflects far greater intensity of energy within your life: physically, emotionally and mentally. Spiritual forces will be felt strong within you.
One trait all hawks share, is the ability to move between the seen and unseen realms gracefully, joining both worlds together. Their acute vision attributes this ability, their discriminating nature keeps them out of dangers path. Hawks have a broad vision, allowing them to see what the future holds. In man this is a symbol of prophetic insight. If this gift is underdeveloped, it is common for people with this power animal to have a tendency of over analysing everything. When this is so, clear vision is lost. You must learn to keep your analytical mind under control, not allowing it to run wild.
Hawk posses many hunting skills. The most common, when pursuing prey, is to swiftly follow the prey’s efforts to get away. Once the prey is caught in the hawks mighty talons, it is then dismembered with their sharply pointed, powerful beak. For us, this may indicate that we may be able to run, but not hide from our destiny. For, eventually it will catch up with us.
The destiny of man is to awaken from their spiritual amnesia and to realign with the original intention of their soul. When the hawk gets a hold of us in his powerful talons, we will be asked to evaluate who we have become and to shatter our self created illusions. This will help our inner truth to come out into the open and for it to shine.
Hawk denotes union with All That Is. The hawk is a bird of the heavens, arranging the changes necessary to prompt our spiritual growth. Having this power animal can be bitter sweet. When accepting its presence in your life, you will be asked to surrender/give up anything that doesn’t honour the integrity of all life. Whether its an idea, feeling or action. Although hard work is involved, the rewards to be reaped are great, far outweighing this.
The red-tailed hawk is a bird of prey. It is the most commonly seen hawk in California and is the largest of hawks. It gets its name from its broad, rounded tail which is russet red in color, the rest of the body is covered with dark brown feathers and it has a wing span of approximately five feet. The female weights about 3-4 lbs and is nearly 1/3 larger in size than the male who weights 2. 5 lbs. Nest building and mating usually begins in March. At that time both male and female perform spectacular aerial displays. They circle and soar to great heights, fold their wings and plummet down to treetop levels. This performance is repeated several times a day which guarantees the interest and attraction of both sexes. They mate for life and both assist in constructing the nest. Hawk loves to soar and glide upon the wind currents with ease and has excellent eyesight.
Hawk has a strong, hooked beak and powerful talons. Its prey is rabbits, snakes and rodents. It is a fearless bird and can be seen perched on utility poles and tree tops observing life with attention and interest. The red in its tail represents a strong life force or energy. Its message is to flow with life instead of struggling. If you have hawk medicine you are a visionary and can see beyond the surface of things and situations. You are capable of looking at the big picture before making important decisions. Remember to focus on problems before trying to solve them. You are a strong and courageous person. Freedom is important to you so give yourself space in relationships. Hawk is a messenger of the Great Spirit and when hawk is seen circling above you, it is a blessing from the Creator.
Leucistic Red-Tailed Hawk
White Hawk Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism (11 Omens)
What does a white hawk symbolize?
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