Totem Talk

Working With The Animal Totems

Spirit of the Grouse: Sacred Spiral, Sacred Dance,
Synchronicity, Rhythm, Potential Reached, Completion, Fulfillment


(scroll down the page to GROUSE to read more)

Grouse's Wisdom Includes:

* Standing at the door of the Great Spiral
* Understanding the circular nature of time
* Dancing the sacred dance of life
* How to travel through the Great Spiral
* Understanding and working with cycles

Grouse – “Sacred Spiral”

The sacred spiral is one of the oldest known symbols for personal power. Use Grouse medicine to learn about how you move through your world, what kind of energy you send into the universe, and to figure out if your movement is compatible with your desires and goals. Dancing or walking will put you back in touch with Earth and your body. Grouse may then teach you how to notice the energy flows that put you in harmony and balance with body, mind and spirit.

The spiral is a symbol of birth and rebirth the ribbed tunnel of eternal return. The sacred spiral is also a symbol of personal power, personal vision and enlightenment. If you have grouse in your medicine, undertake a meditation on the various qualities of movement within your world.

Ceased all external movement in order to recognize your inner life, it’s an invitation to dance.

Contrary indications: Signifies a dissipation of energy, lack of control and discipline, lack of connection to the source lack of clear intent behind the energy being poured out.

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