Working With The Animal Totems
SPIRIT of the GROUNDHOG: curiosity, boundaries, hard work, alertness, truth-seeking, and great social and personal relationships, survival, safety.
"Sometimes it's just better to back off and go to ground. No need to involve yourself in the drama surrounding you right now." ~ Groundhog
Groundhog & Woodchuck Wisdom Includes:
If Groundhog arrives as a Spirit Animal, it is an opportunity for self-examination and personal growth. You’ll begin digging deeper into your inner reality and finding your strengths. Groundhog comes to help you leave the figurative “dirt” behind you and clear the way for your genuine self’s emergence.
Groundhog Spirit Animal is an ardent watcher. The creature alerts you it’s time to rely on intuitive senses and to remain ever aware of the energetic changes of your environment. Groundhog comes to you as a warning that something is afoot, and it may put you or your loved ones in danger.
When the Woodchuck Spirit Animal walks with you, you may experience a turn of luck bringing joy. The creature often arrives when you need to restore balance. Someone or a group of people may extend unexpected generosity at just the perfect moment.
Because the Groundhog lives beneath the soil, it symbolizes states of awareness achieved through meditation and removing yourself from external matters. There will always be reminders of when it’s time to spring forth and put what you learn during your isolation into positive actions and efforts.
Groundhogs are known to do their tasks diligently. If they’re sure they’ll get rewarded, they put their heart and soul into doing their work. So, it makes perfect sense that groundhogs are symbolized for hard work and diligence.
Groundhogs are vigilant animals. They’re always on the lookout for danger. If there’s danger nearby, most of the time, they sense it beforehand and find ways to protect themselves.
Groundhogs guide you to be more aware of your surroundings and the people in them so you can protect yourself from unassuming dangers. These small animals are also highly curious.
Those who connect to groundhogs are probably great readers and immerse themselves in new hobbies and skills every once in a while.
If you feel connected to groundhogs, you’re probably a kind-hearted, sympathetic, and loyal person. You work hard to keep people around you safe and loved. You also probably have good manners.
You’re grounded and polite, and you’re basically a good human. On the other hand, trying to help many people at once or not being able to say no to others can drain your mental and emotional energy.
Given the ability of groundhogs to dig holes, they are also symbolized as truth seekers. They teach us to reach our inner self and seek hidden knowledge and answers from within.
Groundhogs make great parents. They love, care for, and protect their young ones. Likewise, they also cherish their community and depend on each other for protection and survival. Consequently, groundhogs are considered to symbolize healthy family and community relationships.
Groundhog totem animals are believed to rule cycles of life. They teach you that happiness and sadness come in cycles. You might find yourself thinking a lot about the beginnings and end.
However, this spirit animal helps you accept life’s consequences. You’ll find yourself being courageous to fight the period of destitution. You understand the endings in life and be hopeful towards new beginnings.
Groundhogs are successful in doing what many of us fail – drawing clear boundaries. However, if you have a groundhog spirit animal, you probably excel at making your boundaries crystal clear. You teach others to respect your boundaries.
Likewise, you’re also well aware not to hamper others’ personal space and respect their boundaries and decisions.
In the few tales told amongst some Native American tribes, Groundhogs are depicted as kind-hearted animals. They are often associated with being wise teachers and counselors.
In fact, the common groundhog name ‘Woodchuck’ was given by Algonquians, a native American tribe. Initially, they were named ‘Wuchak’, which later was transformed into a term easier to pronounce – Woodchucks.
Celts celebrate the goddess of poetry and fertility on February 2nd as St. Brigid’s day. The goddess was dedicated to helping those in need and was extremely diligent in her work and causes during her life.
Choosing groundhog as a sign bearer, Pennsylvanian dutch brought this tradition to America, which was later renamed into Groundhog day. On this day, groundhogs are used to predict the seasons. If they see their shadow, it is a sign that spring has yet to arrive.
Those with ground spirit animals properly behave and are courteous. They believe in helping those in need and serving the community. No matter how difficult situations they are in life, they will never turn down help requests from others. They’re kind, compassionate, and empathetic.
Groundhog spirit animals also make those connected to them creative and curious. They involve themselves in multiple hobbies and try their best to learn new skills and trends. At the same time, rest and me-time are also essential to them. They manage to take time out of their busy schedule and nurture their body and spirit.
Similarly, if you have a groundhog spirit animal, you’re likely to speak up on behalf of your loved ones and those whose voices often go unheard. You believe in speaking the truth and go to extreme lengths to shed light on the truth.
In case you’re feeling overwhelmed with your duties and obligation, and you’d like some alone time to cherish your inner child, summoning your groundhog spirit animal would truly help you.
Likewise, if you’re planning to pursue a venture in a non-traditional way or planning to do things differently, it is the time to call on your groundhog spirit animal.
Also, if you want to tell more truth in life, be spiritual, and commit to nourishing your mind and soul, summoning your groundhog spirit animal can help you accomplish it.
Groundhogs are incredible! We only see the entrances and exits to their burrows, so it’s hard to imagine the complex homes they build underground. A groundhog’s burrow averages about twenty feet in width and five to six feet in depth, but there are records of burrows as large as 66 feet wide. Amazing!
A groundhog burrow isn’t simply a big hole in the ground, either. All groundhog burrows have rooms with individual purposes, like a bathroom for eliminating waste, a pantry for storing food, a nursery for raising young, and a bedroom for sleep. There will also be chambers to turn around and at least two exits. When a groundhog has moved out of a burrow, these intricate structures become ideal dens for other animals!
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