Working With The Animal Totems
Spirit of the Gorilla: Leadership, intelligence, peacefulness, family, strength, nobility, generosity, gentleness, calmness, vegetarianism, loyalty, patience, dexterity, steadiness, scrutiny, conservation
Affirmation: "I will trust my hunches and be willing to share my knowledge."
“Take the time to listen compassionately to those you love, especially your family members.”
Gorilla's Wisdom Includes:
* Intelligence
* Gentleness
* Maternal instinct
* Use of speech
* Benevolence
* Communication
* Loyalty
* Leadership
* Compassion
* Nobility
* Dignity
* Strength
* Responsibility
* Nurturing
* Connectivity
Gorillas have excellent memories and a keen sense of observation. They are found in groups and are quite social. If a person tries to harm anyone in their group the gorilla remembers that person and will have a tendency to charge that person every time he or she approaches. This indicates their undying loyalty to family and loved ones. Respect is very important to the gorilla.
Gorillas have acute hearing and respond to unusual sounds that are not part of normal activity. For those with this totem this indicates clairaudient abilities. Gorilla medicine people can hear vibrations and frequencies that others cannot. Hearing is one of their main gifts. They are great listeners and really hear what others are saying and respond accordingly.
Gorillas are conservationists eating only a few leaves from each plant always leaving several leaves so that the plant can replenish the leaves quickly. Those with this medicine care about the environment and need to have access to nature and its elements to maintain balance and harmony within themselves.
Gorillas have a gentle strength, patience and clarity of vision. Once they create a goal they stick with it until accomplished. They are extremely intelligent. Gorillas have been taught to use sign language to communicate words and have even been know to form simple sentences, this indicates an ability to utilize sound to its fullest. Many Gorilla people choose professions working with the deaf and dumb and are compassionate insightful healers.
Meanings / Messages: intelligence, maternal instincts, soulful
The bulging forehead of the gorilla signifies intelligence and learning capacity. They have the ability to perform complex tasks. Although they are giants among primates, they generally are shy and quiet in nature. When a gorilla shows up as a totem it can indicate a higher education opportunity. Gorillas are family oriented and live in the wild as a nurturing community. As a totem gorillas teach the importance of each individuals responsibility within a family. What role do you play in your family, the gorillas asks if you are doing your share?
Often misunderstood as ferocious and aggressive, the gorilla is quite a peaceful creature. Perhaps it's close relationship with humans both in appearance and mannerism is what causes the gorilla to be a commonly overlooked totem. After all, the human mind tends to fear that which exposes its true identity.
Ape/Gorilla Animal Totem
The ape, although tremendously powerful, is, unless provoked, a gentle animal. As a totem animal, the ape may represent self control, self discipline, and the confidence to express strength through gentleness and kindness. If you have chosen the ape as your spirit helper, be assured that you will begin to notice a new respect from your fellow workers and in your family environment.
While you are experiencing new physical accomplishments with the help of your totem guide, be certain that you do not neglect taking time to enter the Silence for your spiritual growth.
GORILLA Medicine
Gorilla demonstrates a gentle yet firm strength. He teaches balance between passive and aggressive. He shows the art of communication and social interactions with family. Gorilla teaches the skill of listening to subtle frequencies; intuition and clairaudience.
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