Working With The Animal Totems
SPIRIT OF THE GIRAFFE: Farsightedness, the future, goals/determination, vision, practicality, success, reach, balance, spirituality, uniqueness, foresight, self-acceptance, stretching / reaching for one's highest goals and aspirations in life.
Giraffe Medicine Includes:
Sees far into the future
Ability to reach things that are unreachable to others
Ability to remain above the fray
Giraffe: Farsightedness
People who have a Giraffe totem often know the future. They can sense what is going to happen, what lies over the horizon. Giraffe people should be very careful of what they say. Be sure you are not saying too much to the wrong person, or in the reverse, too little. Do not allow other's words to affect you. Giraffes have their legs firmly planted on the earth but their heads in the sky. This represents balance and the ability to progress. Giraffe people should never become complacent and lose sight of the future. Life will become increasingly difficult until you set your sights once more on the path ahead. Giraffes, and their people, have very strong ties to family and friends, especially parent and children.
The giraffe is a graceful animal in spite of its ungainly appearance. Its most recognizable features are its long thin legs and its slender long neck. Its neck, supported by seven greatly elongated vertebrae is very strong. Giraffes are often seen wrapping their necks around each other to test their strength.
The giraffe only requires between two to four hours of sleep a day. When sleeping they kneel down with their neck and head wrapped around them resting it in the crock of their leg.
Some legends claim that the "sleep time" of the giraffe is connected to ancient Eastern cultures. The giraffes incredible flexibility allows it to take on positions similar to yoga therapies in which the body is twisted and contorted while in a meditative state. This coupled with its kneeled sleep position made many believe that it was actually praying instead of sleeping. When it awoke and stood up its great height would invoke feelings from fear to respect. The giraffes strength and flexibility shows us how to gain control of our physical bodies while expanding our mental and spiritual faculties. Many cultures honored the giraffe including the Egyptians whose art featured giraffe designs.
Because of the great distance between the head and the heart, its vascular system is equipped with valves so sufficient blood reaches the brain. The elastic blood vessels in the neck and head handle changes in blood pressure due to head swings. Blood pressure fluctuations and circulatory conditions are common in giraffe medicine people so proper care is advised. What we think and what we feel on a heart level need to be aligned in order for this medicine to benefit us.
Giraffes are highly attuned to danger thanks to their height, keen sense of smell and eyesight. With their heads towering high in the sky and their feet firmly planted on the ground they serve as links between the higher and lower worlds. Its flexible neck allows it see what's behind it, alongside it and in front of it. This gives the giraffe the ability to know the future and understand the past while walking in the present moment. It holds the teachings of clear sight and can be a powerful ally for those with this totem.
Giraffes can go for a month without drinking. Like the zebra, each animal has a unique set of markings that helps them distinguish each other. They are quiet animals making little noise except for an occasional bleat. This silence is a great teaching for those with this medicine. The giraffes lack of vocal communication suggests that we follow suit. Words often distract us from silent reflection. Learning to balance ones speech with quietude is important. When this medicine is underdeveloped speaking just to hear oneself speak can be a downfall. Because the giraffe communicates through body language those with this medicine would benefit from some type of movement therapy.
Although the head of the giraffe appears dainty its three horns give it the ability to strike a nasty blow. One of its horns is somewhat hidden located under the skin just above its eyes. This placement is similar to that of the third eye in man and reminds those with this medicine to honor their visionary abilities. The giraffe teaches us how to increase our perceptions by viewing life from all angles. When we look up, forwards, sideways and down the past, present and future is known. A wonderful totem to have the giraffe is a bearer of many gifts.
Giraffe's Message and Medicine
Communication / Foreseeing the future / Reaching beyond
Giraffe is the tallest of all animals. The male averages 17 feet in height and can weight close to 2,000 pounds. This animal has an extremely long neck and very long slender legs. Giraffe has a 15 inch tongue that allows it to reach high into acacia trees to eat the leaves which are its main food. Giraffe’s coat has chestnut brown blotches against a buff background. As it ages its color changes to a darker brown. Each giraffe has its own unique pattern. The male and female both have two to four short, blunt, skin covered horns. Giraffe is found in Africa and lives in loose, open herds. They are social animals and are not territorial. The herds have no leaders so giraffe is fairly independent. Giraffe moves from tree to tree searching for food during the day time but it regroups at night Herds are composed of all male, all female, all young, or a mixture of both sexes and all ages. It is difficult for the herd to gather close together for protection, due to their size.
Giraffe usually sleeps in a standing position. Lions and hyena’s are its chief predators. Giraffe protects it young by kicking with its large heavy hooves. This animal can go for several days without drinking water because they receive moisture from the leaves. Giraffe’s message encourages us to move beyond our circumstances. Don’t be afraid to stretch for what you wan t out of life. Be independent but be aware of the benefits of group activity. The long slender neck of giraffe represents communication and the throat chakra. If you have giraffe as your power animal pay attention to your use of words and communications skills. Do not stick your neck out to far for undeserving people. Look beyond the surface and "see" with your heart instead of your eyes. You have clairvoyant powers.
* A giraffe can see things others cannot see and can reach things that others cannot reach. They have a unique perspective.
* This far-reaching sight gives them clairvoyant abilities and they often know what will happen in the future.
* Their long, flexible necks allow them to see not only what is in front of them, but also what is behind and next to them. They view life from all angles and can intuitively sense what is coming.
* They are social creatures and have very few enemies. Only the lion and hyena poses a threat to the giraffe in the wild.
* Each giraffe is totally and completely unique. The spots on a giraffe are like fingerprints. No two are exactly alike.
* The giraffe has a third horn, and it is hidden beneath a flap of skin just above the eyes. This is said to represent inner perception and wisdom or symbolic of “third eye” intuition.
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