Totem Talk

Working With The Animal Totems

Spirit of the ELK: Stamina, Strength, Endurance, Dignity, Integrity,  Nobility, Vision of Fulfillment, Soothsayer

Majestic Nobleman of the Forest

"Spend some time today and look closely at what needs to be revised and reorganized. A slight change in direction is required to reach your goal." ~ Elk


Elk's Wisdom Includes:

* Stamina
* Strength
* Sensual passion
* Honoring those of your gender
* Ability to pace oneself in tasks

( Strength, Nobility, Stubbornness, Agility, Freedom, Power, Handsome)

The elk is an animal with great strength and stamina, it is powerful and strong. The Shawnee
Indians call it the wapiti, the Europeans call it the Elk meaning small moose. The elk can out run most animals for a great length of time, they have stamina. Sometimes elk will show up as a totem to remind us that we need to have the company of the opposite sex occasionally for balance. Elk people are aggressive if angered. Elk shows you how to pace yourself, needing others around you, needing to pursue your skills. Try not to take the easy way out, be patient, things will come around to your liking. The elk does not have to be in a sexual relationship, but simply spending time with them helps in balancing and bridging our own energies to a higher level. Anyone with elk medicine would do well at becoming vegetarians. the energy levels will be stronger, the stress levels will be lessened and the stamina will increase. If you find yourself becoming sluggish, adjust your diet and in two or three days you will notice a considerable in your energy levels, raising into a higher vibration. Elk people take great pride in their appearance and appreciate compliments about their surroundings.


Elk can run forever. They have great stamina and are powerful beings with excellent reflexes. Elk are very unpredictable too. They can be friendly one moment and angry the next. The Elk is sensitive to signs of danger and when threatened, may stand and fight to the end or the herd may run in every direction to confuse predators. Elk live in large herds, but a lone elk can often be seen. Elk graze during the day only -- never at night. But if disturbed, such as by humans during hunting season, they will feed only at night. An adult bull elk with antlers is a formidable opponent against any animal, including mountain lion and bear. During the "Rutting Season", adult bulls attack each other with their antlers to determine which among them is fittest to mate. Elk are found in many states (including but not limited to: Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Texas, and Wisconsin) with the largest herds being in the Rocky Mountains, Yellow Stone and Canada.

  • Elk teaches us how to become more observant of subtle energies.
  • Elk demand space to roam, but occasionally need time alone. It teaches us to seek sacred space.
  • Those with Elk medicine are reminded to maintain emotional balance to keep aggressive tendencies in check. 
  • This medicine teaches survival techniques in all types of environments.
  • Elk people demand respect and have great pride in their professional and private lives and must be continually on guard against becoming too egotistical.
  • Those who know Elk medicine stand tall with a strong self-image and must seek to be humble.
  • When Elk appears it often comes with a message to stand strong with pride and to use one's gifts to show others of its power.

Main Attributes:



Elk have tremendous stamina and can run for a very long time. They are powerful animals with strong reflexes and respond quickly to anything that appears on their path. They are also unpredictable, passive one moment and aggressive the next. Elk can sense danger the moment it arrives and can teach us how to become more observant of subtle energies.

Elk live in large herds and are seldom seen alone. Although they enjoy the company of their own kind they do need space to roam and if cornered they can become quite dangerous. Those with this totem need a sacred space to retreat to from time to time in order to keep their energy balanced.

The elk, like the deer, have contests to see who will mate with the does; but unlike the deer, elk will fight very aggressively and frequently draw blood or worse. Those with this medicine need to keep their aggressive tendencies under control and seek fairness in all that they do. These tendencies may not be evident to the conscious mind, although when provoked they can often surface unexpectedly.

Elk never graze at night. An attacked herd will bolt in all directions so as to confuse a predator. The art of survival is part of its teachings. Majestic in their bearing the elk demands respect. Adult bulls with a full set of antlers are a match for any animal they would encounter, including a bear.

There is no more impressive a sight than a full grown elk, with its winter coat, standing tall and looking fierce. Elk shares with us its regal demeanor and those with this totem often find themselves on center stage both in their professional and personal lives. If Elk medicine is fully developed within a person a strong self image is expressed. Those with this totem usually have past life associations connected to royalty.

When elk appears in your life, it may be telling you to polish your act and carry yourself with pride and power. That does not mean you should be egotistical, however, for elk knows that its true power comes from Great Spirit. It shows off the gifts it has been given and uses them to its advantage.

Elk holds the medicine of strength and empowerment. If you need to be impressive in a situation, it would be good to connect with elk and learn from it. If you are shy or unsure elk can show you how to become more confident.


Nobility, about to hit your stride in life, don't give up, have endurance for the long run, don't neglect the need to relate to others, adjustment of diet needs to be made to have strong energy levels. Elk teaches you don't need to walk the path alone, you have much wise help from Spirit. Are you pacing yourself accordingly? Do you want immediate results? Elk teaches patience in reaching your goals and aspirations. Have you simply asked for help? Elk will show you how to adapt to this stage in your life.

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