Working With The Animal Totems
Spirit of the DOVE: Love, Gentleness, Kindness, Peace, prophecy, maternity, awaken to promise of future with clarity.
The dove’s role as a bringer of peace and promise are symbolized by its role in the myth of Noah. It was also seen as a symbol of some fertility goddesses. The dove’s mournful cry was seen as symbolizing both the ecstasy of sexual union and the pain of childbirth.
Dove's Message:
Dove's Wisdom Includes:
The Dove represents the deepest kind of PEACE, the power of giving, prophecy, and the hope for a new beginning. The Dove is an expression of the motherly instincts, and is connected to Mother Earth.
The dove is the symbol of “Between Times” and shows us that the veil is thinning between the physical and the spiritual worlds. As you listen with your soul to the doves call, you can hear her mournful song speaks to your deepest parts of self and it will stir both your emotions, and your imaginations.
When The Dove show up in your life it is a powerful time of prophecy and clear vision, and you will be able to see glimpses of the future. If you are seeing doves in your life quite regularly, it is a sign to go within and release the past, present or future things that are troubling you. The Dove carries the energy of promise and when there is turmoil inside if you quite your mind and sit calmly and let your troubled thoughts, words and feelings go, you will be able to receive the gifts of the dove. Then you will begin to heal on all levels – emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
The dove’s singing or cooing is very mournful, possibly reflecting hidden emotions within. The singing can be heard throughout the day, as well as first thing in the morning and last thing at night. According to mystical and magical traditions which states that the veils between the physical and spiritual worlds are at their thinnest during these times of the day.
The dove bring to us peace, love, understanding and gentleness. The dove is also a messenger of the spirit and will aid in the communication between the two worlds through the maternity, femininity prophecy.
A dove helps to soothe and to quiet our worries and your troubled thoughts. Regardless of the external circumstances going on in our life, peace is always within our reach. The dove will helps us to find renewal in the stillness of your mind through meditation and deep breathing. In the quiet moments of stillness we will be able to find the inner peace and answers that you are searching for in your life.
Many of the legends and myths tell the stories of Dove being associated with the Goddesses of old. Even the Bible tells of the importance of Dove and how she is associated with Christ and often is a symbol of Christ – standing for peace.
Dove’s message is to remember the purity of the creative spirit at a soul level. When you follow your own true calling, the dove will help to guide you into a new world – full of joy, love and beauty – all of which will radiate through us and into the world.
Some things to pay attention to when Dove appears:
People often find that unexpected and unseen support and assistance comes when they need it most.
Travel is often indicated when Dove appears prominantly, and this may include relocation to a new home.
A death, either physical (of someone one knows or is close to) or symbolic (within the individual) may occur and while it may bring grief, there is also quite often a sense of relief and gratitude that suffering has finally ended and peace will soon be at hand.
A new relationship may begin or an old one rekindled.
The ways and means of leaving a destructive or difficult situation is at hand. Life is about to become much more peaceful and satisfying on all levels.
Mourning Dove Symbolism
In the United States, the main species of dove we have is the mourning dove. Mourning doves are also known as “turtle doves,” which we hear about a pair of in the famous “Twelve Days of Christmas” song every holiday season. The morning dove’s slow and melodic song eases the pace of the otherwise chaotic and fast-paced birdsong that fills our world. To us the song may seem sorrowful, but for the male bird singing the song it is full of the excitement and anticipation of another year with his beloved. It is a song filled with longing and love.
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