Working With The Animal Totems
SPIRIT of the CHEETAH: Speed, Strength, Decisiveness, Persistence, Empathy, Camouflage, Focus, Intensity, Flexibility, Keenness of Sight, Self-Esteem, Brotherhood
MESSAGE from Cheetah:
Fast, Faster, FASTEST! That pretty much sums up the main symbolic insight concerning cheetah characteristics. These magnificent beasts are the ultimate rocket ships in the animal kingdom. They can clock in speeds up to 60+ miles per hour. What’s more, is the cheetah can go from zero to 40+ in mere seconds! Whoa! That’s better than some sporty cars can do!
So what’s speed got to do with symbolic meaning of cheetah? Plenty.
We can symbolically translate this asset on a personal level. If the cheetah is running through your consciousness, it’s a good time to make your move. No more mansy pansy, wishy washy. Nope. If cheetah is your sign, then you’ve got to blaze a trail, act, respond, and do it quickly.
Too often we lose out on incredible opportunities because of doubt or fear of risk. Cheetah tells us that life is too short to hem and haw. Cheetah bolts into action when it sees an opportunity. And that’s a big message the cheetah imparts to us humans.
Cheetah characteristics are hugely unique, and that means their symbolism is unique. For example, part of the reason cheetahs are so good at being fast is because they are divinely designed as such. They have enlarged hearts and lungs that allow them to take in more oxygen. This makes them ultra charged up when they go super-sonic in a dead run.
They also have elongated, smooth spines. This helps cheetah stretch out its body, hence spanning more distance in a run. This is all highly symbolic. When the cheetah zips through our lives, it’s a message that we are all divinely designed. Maybe we’re not necessarily designed to go a billion miles per hour like the cheetah, but to be sure – we’re built for special purposes. Cheetah asks us to take a look at our design. What makes us unique? How does that uniqueness give us an advantage? What are we built for? How can we benefit ourselves and others with our specialized gifts?
Cheetah’s medicine includes – speed and focus, brotherhood, elusiveness, ability to focus intently on something for a short period of time, swiftness, self-esteem, accelerating time, keenness of sight.
Different to other felines, who stalk, then swiftly jump on their prey for the kill, cheetahs, the fastest animals alive, run down their prey.
The lesson to be learned here, the inspiration, is to fulfil our goals with speed and focus. When we feel stuck, cheetah energy can help us spring into motion. If we are moving with great speed but with little direction, cheetah medicine can help us to keep our eyes on our goals, to focus, and to find the most direct way of achieving them.
Sometimes we must carefully consider all aspects of a plan to reach a goal. At other times, it may be necessary to be flexible and adaptable in rehashing plans. However, sometimes the most important thing to do is to act with both speed and focus. The goal is almost reached, but continually putting something off, or lack of clarity keeps one from accomplishing it. It is at times like this that cheetah medicine is extremely valuable.
There is more wisdom to be taken from the cheetah’s actions – there are those who want to accomplish their goals but who may take on too many goals at one time. Though the cheetah is able to reach speeds of up to 63miles per hour, it can only maintain this incredible speed for a short period of time. Afterwards, it must rest for around 15 minutes.
The cheetah period of rest teaches us that intense activity should always be followed by a time of rest, relaxation, and contemplation.
The Meanings of Cheetah as a Spirit Animal
The cheetah as a spirit animal can have many different meanings. Here are some of them:
Adaptability and survival. The cheetah is a camouflage master. Its fur blends well with the surroundings, keeping it hidden from its prey, but also the ones who prey on cheetah.
If a cheetah is your totem animal, it might be questioning your ability to blend well in every surrounding. Are you capable of doing so, or you stand out and attract too much attention? Blending in is sometimes important in order to survive and that is one of the messages the cheetah brings.
Opportunity. The cheetah is a bold animal, patiently waiting for the opportunity to make a move towards its prey. And when it sees it, it unstoppably goes after it.
If the cheetah is your totem animal, it teaches you about the need to watch out carefully and patiently for opportunities and reach out for them, the moment they show up in your life. Be ready for quick reactions.
Selectivity. Cheetah’s message to you might be to choose your friends wisely. You need to pay attention to who you’re bonding. If there aren’t many people you can trust at the moment, you should focus upon yourself and enjoy the time spend alone.
Resting. The cheetah as your spirit animal reminds you about the need to take time off to rest. Cheetah charges like a bullet after its prey, but its quest only lasts seconds. After the hunt, the cheetah respects its body and its need to recover.
Just like the cheetah, you should be careful not to waste your strength too much. Maybe you’ve been overworking and doing many things at the same time lately. The cheetah reminds you it’s time to take time off and recharge.
Action. The cheetah as your spirit animal is a call for action. Don’t waste any more time procrastinating and making plans for the future. Start doing something to achieve your goals. And start it now.
Focus. The cheetah needs to sustain its focus in order to succeed. Its main target is catching prey. So it keeps focusing until it reaches its goal.
The cheetah as your spirit animal calls you to keep focus on your goals and never give up. First finish all the things you’ve been currently working on and then begin new projects. This animal is a reminder never to lose your motivation.
Procrastination. The cheetah is always active. If it is your spirit animal it calls you to stop wasting your time and actively pursue what you want. It is also a message to confront the issues and problems you might be having. Don’t run away from them or they will just get bigger and eventually catch up with you.
Intelligence and intuition. Cheetah brings you the gift of strong intuition, which allows fast reaction. They are also very intelligent and curious animals. If the cheetah is your spirit animal, those are also your gifts. You strive to gain more knowledge and you might also be fascinated by mysteries. You are a researcher, always on the quest to find the truth by yourself. You also don’t like your actions being questioned.
Creativity. If this animal is your spirit guide, it teaches you to be creative in the process of fulfilling your goals.
Activity. If the cheetah is your totem animal you are probably constantly doing something, even more than one thing at the same time.
Determination. Just like the cheetah unstoppably goes after its prey, if it’s your totem, it gives you the gift of determination and strong will to endure in the process of achieving success.
Isolation. If the cheetah is your spirit animal, you are sometimes a solitary person defending your own time and territory. You have the need to retreat from the world and have some time just for yourself. You also don’t allow many people into your life and tend to isolate doing your own stuff. Your tendency towards isolation, affects relations with others, who at times might consider you unpredictable and stubborn.
Interpersonal relationships. If the cheetah is your spirit animal, you might be having some issues in the field of love and relationships. You probably don’t fit well in social groups and have only few well selected friends.
You are also fun and charming and you are a good friend, but you tend to avoid love relationships and escape when things start getting serious. You probably have commitment issues and avoid attachment.
Unconventional love. Cheetahs are very powerful animals, but also aggressive. These traits might characterize your intimate life, which might be filled with a dose of aggression and maybe even risk. You love spontaneity and you tend to have an unconventional approach towards love and love relationships.
Sometimes that can relate to your love being stimulated by some extreme events and situations. You also probably enjoy pleasures and luxury.
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