Spirit of the Crab: Sensitivity, Emotions, Loyalty. Cycles, Trust, Protection, Regeneration. Associated with the astrological sign Cancer.

Crab's Wisdom Includes:
* Ability to escape by moving sidewise
* Understanding the power of dance
* Ability to move through water (emotions)
* Male aspects of community
* Finding new uses for the seemingly useless
* Protection of home space
The Crab represents the male aspects of community, protection and home space. He is also a symbol of pending good luck. Those who share the qualities of the crab have the ability to escape confrontation by consciously sidestepping trigger issues. Crab people have an uncanny ability to move through water (Emotions) to be unaffected by the moods and feelings of others, excellent for business or spiritual leadership roles. If the crab has come to you in a life or a dream, it is a message to let an issue that is troubling you go.
The Crab
Crabs are bottom dwellers in the sea as well as in fresh water. Some even venture on land. They can walk and run sideways, burrow and swim. The crab is able to shift its focus instantaneously and quickly move in a sideways direction to confuse its predators. Mankind has a tendency to focus on what is directly in front of them and often overlooks what is creeping in the side door. The crab holds the teachings of shifting focus and expanding inner perception. Sudden and unexpected movements are used to its advantage. Those with this medicine will often learn their soul lessons through unexpected changes in their personal environment.
Since crabs are bottom dwellers and are at home in the water they are linked to the subconscious mind and all the secrets that it holds. They burrow into the depth of life then swim to the surface with new insight and understanding.
The crabs segmented body has several appendages of which five pairs serve as walking legs and two as sensory antennae. These antennas serve as a bridge between heaven and earth. Messages transmitted from Great Spirit through these antennae symbolize the awakening of consciousness and offer those with this totem the gift of clairvoyance.
Most crabs have fairly complicated nervous systems. They are able to resist changes in external environments and flourish in hostile situations. Aggressive towards one another, especially in the mating season, males fight to gain access to females and communicate their aggression by waving their pincers. Those with this medicine will benefit by learning the art of balanced communication.
The crab uses all of its senses to survive. Its body movements as well as its excellent sight, smell, taste and hearing assist it in reaching its desired destination. They are skillful in everything that they do. Crabs teach us how to empower ourselves on all levels, perfecting, refining, awakening and expanding our own perceptions.
When crab scampers into your life unexpected events are about to occur. These events will require the use of all your senses. The crab shows you how to develop and refine all aspects of yourself. It only requires that you open your heart to its wisdom and be willing to follow its instructions. In so doing, personal power is your for the asking.