Spirit of the Bull (or Cow): Insight into the past, fertility, rushing into things without proper preparation.


Cow/Bull's Wisdom Includes:
* Being alert to danger
* Contentment
* Cow: Connection to the Great Mother Goddess
* Love
* Connection to the grasses
* Sharing through community
* Bull: Ability to stand your ground
A Bull totem symbolizes nourishment through its slaughter or sacrifice, while a Cow totem symbolizes motherhood. The two are connected – for they are both needed to create new life.
A Bull totem symbolizes the sun and is connected with Osiris. The Cow is lunar and is connected to Osiris’ wife, Isis.
People with a Bull/Cow totem often have insight into their past lives.
When a Bull/Cow totem appears, ask yourself if you are being as productive as you can be?
Are you ready to sow new seeds? Are you being stubborn or rigid?
A Bull/Cow totem can help you understand and work with the mundane aspects of fertility and the relationships necessary for it. It will teach stability without stubborness.
The Bull symbolizes strength of purpose versus impulsiveness. He teaches us to carefully look to our past experiences and learning to determine how we will create our future. The Bull tells us that the future is abundant and fertile if not rushed into without proper preparation and facts. Gaining insight into impulsive behaviors will boost personal power and successful decision making.
This powerful totem reflects a surging energy force, packed full of heat, similar to sunlight. Bull will walk the journey with us into our past lives and assist us in recovering great insight. However, Bull warns us to use our inner strength without bullying others. Likewise, he teaches us to be assertive without becoming stubborn. In its most raw state, untamed Bull energy literally manifests itself as uncontrollable anger or passion. Guard against this tendency with great care!

APIS (Egyptian mythology)
Divine Cults of the Sacred Bull:
Egyptian Gods: APIS
The holy bull-god Apis with the solar disc between his horns.

Image from the Theban Papyrus of Ani from the Book of Death.
Egyptian Gods: Mnevis Bull
The Mnevis Bull was the sacred bull of Heliopolis, associated with the sun god Re. The bull was either black or pibald in color.
The Cow
In Hinduism, dating back from the Vedic period, the cow was associated with certain deities. Though oxen's and bulls were sacrificed and flesh consumed in ancient India, the slaughter of milk producing cows was prohibited. Killing a cow was equated to the sin of killing a Brahman, a member of the highest priestly caste.
In ancient Egyptian religion the cow was linked to the goddess of fertility and love. It is strongly associated with motherhood and is a symbol of nourishment because it is able to furnish food for mankind. The counterpart of the cow, the bull, brought nourishment through slaughtering and is known as an animal symbolizing fertility through sacrifice.
The cow is a strong sturdy animal and knows how to hold its ground. Determined and steadfast the cow can weather storms easily bunching together in sheltered spots standing like stoic statues. Those with cow medicine need to remember to stand in their truth and not let other people influence their decisions. In this way they master any challenge efficiently.
Cows are intelligent and incredibly observant. They respond to their instinctive knowing and have an uncanny ability to sense danger as well as opportunity. They teach those with this medicine how to develop their perception. If cow appears to us it is asking us to pay attention, observer and then respond accordingly.
The cow is performing both a duty and a sacrifice for man. Not only do they give milk and all other dairy products for the consumption of the human race, but they willingly offer their very lives so that man may have meat to eat. It is believed that the cow decided to make the sacrifice of their own personal bodies in order to allow other animal life forms to be spared, at least to some extent. The reason the cow has chosen to sacrifice themselves is due to a karmic influence among the species. Today the cow practices compassion through sacrifice and in so doing advance spiritually as a species.
The big penetrating eyes of the cow have a way of looking right through us. Their hypnotic stare tears down our personal illusions and awakens love within us. Anyone who has looked into the eyes of the cow knows the compassion that radiates from them. The cow is a powerful totem and shows us how to nurture ourselves and honor others. Those with this totem are usually service oriented and put other peoples needs before their own. Sacrificing our personal desires for the common good of all is part of its medicine.