Totem Talk

Working With The Animal Totems

SPIRIT OF THE BLACKBIRDCreativity, Detail, Foundation, Omens, Mysticism, Healing, Singing, Psychic ability, Transition, Enchantment, The Gateway, The Inner Call



Red-winged Blackbird:

Thirteen Ways of Looking At A Blackbird ~ Modern American Poetry

Blackbird's Wisdom Includes:

Connection to the water plant kingdom
Doing trance work
Use of camouflage in protection of family
Ability to sway with the winds of change

The Blackbird:

From "The Druid Animal Oracle" by Phillip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm

Bird of both the gateway and the forge. Blackbird calls to us from the gateway between two worlds, urging us to follow a spiritual path or to become more self-aware. he calls to us in the twilight, showing us the path to Otherworldly secrets, pointing out the ways in which we can discover more about our hidden motivations and potential. There are times in life when it is important to concentrate on the outer world and your responsibilities in that world, but there are also times when you must attend to the haunting song of your soul which calls you to a study of spiritual truths, and to an exploration of the inner world through dreams and myths. In heeding Blackbird's song, you will discover healing and new depths in your soul. 

Contrary it reminds you that the blackbird is the smith's bird, and his song may be calling you to work in the forge of your own heart--to create a life of passion and purpose. all four elements are used in metal-working, and to create a healthy and balanced life we must work with the power of the four elements, integrating and developing our minds and hearts, our instinct and our intuition. Just standing at the gateway between two worlds, without truly working in either, is a denial of our own power and responsibility.

Druid Dhubh  

Enchantment, The Gateway, The Inner Call

May Day, season fair, perfect time of year, the blackbird's song a poem, to the sun's first slender ray.

Druid Dhubh calls to us from the gateway between two worlds, urging us to follow a spiritual path or to become more self-aware. He calls to us in the twilight, showing us the path to Otherworldly secrets, pointing out the ways in which we can discover more about our hidden motives and potential. There are times in life when it is important to concentrate on the outer world and your responsibilities in that world, but there are also times when you must attend to the haunting song of your soul which calls you to a study of spiritual truths, and to an exploration of the inner world through dreams and myths. In heeding Druid Dhubh's song, you will discover healing and new depths in your soul.

Druid legends talk about the 3 blackbirds of Rhiannon. They sing in the World Tree of other worlds. Perhaps one day something of my talent developed, will help others so easily travel otherworlds and bring it back home. Perhaps it is time to Brave up and voice the talk that comes as I practice the art of seeing. I will not be shy in my voice, as I listen to your song. The blackbird, she brings in the seen and unseen worlds with clarity. I am Shaman. I dream. I feel. I love. And there is so much Beauty. As thin as the width of a leaf, Robert Moss says. That is how far away the worlds are. I will not sleep again. Come let me drum. Help me write the lines and dance and draw and call in an understanding that is so much more.

Blackbird ~ From: Ted Andrews' Animal-Speak

Keynote: Understanding the energies of Mother Nature

Cycle of Power: Summer

The blackbird has long been associated with omens and mysticism. Its color, alone, has evoked both fear and promise. Although called a blackbird, only the males are black. Females usually have a streaky, brown plumage. Not all blackbirds are black. One variety has a yellow head and throat which stands out strongly against the black plumage. The yellow and black coloring has long been associated with the Archangel Auriel. Auriel is considered the tallest of the angels, with eyes that can see across eternity. This being oversees all of nature and all of the nature spirits. Auriel has traditionally been associated with the summer season.

The Red-Winged Blackbird:

(Also from Ted Andrew's Animal Speak)

Another variation of the blackbird is the red-winged blackbird. This bird has a red path on its wings, with a dash of yellow as well. These colors connect this bird to the level know as Binah in the Quabalistic Tree of Life. This is the level associated with the Dark Mother and primal feminine energies. This bird has ties to all of the creative forces of nature. On the Tree of Life, black is the color for Bnah and red is the color for Geburah (Mars type of energy). Yellow or amber is the color of the path that connects the two, and it is the path of Cancer, the mother sign of the zodiac. The red-winged blackbird is thus a totem associated with the stellar energies of Cancer.

The male red-winged blackbird will lose its luster during the winter. This reflects how the summer is the time of vibrancy and vitality for those with this bird as a totem. It indicates the need to use the winter to go back into the great womb of life in order to be able to bring forth new energy and expressions of energy the following summer.

Listen to the call of the Red-winged Blackbird

"Red-Winged Blackbirds are directly connected to the Goddess and primal feminine energies. It is also associated with the astrological sign of Cancer." It is also associated with Summer energies.

It is one of the most abundant birds in North America. The Red-winged Blackbird is found in wetlands and agricultural areas across the continent. The male can hide the brilliant red shoulders or show them off in a dazzling display. The striped female looks strikingly different than the male and could almost be mistaken for a large dark sparrow. When protecting nests from predators, the male Red-Winged Blackbird will attack larger animals, including horses and people. They are polygumous, and one male can have 15 different females making up its nesting territory, but from 1/4 to 1/2 of the young in the male's nesting territory do not belong to the "territorial" male.

Blackbirds nest in swamps, marshes, and low brush-usually just a few feet from water. Again this reflects a tie to water, an ancient symbol for the feminine force for Nature. They often use cattails as perches. A study of the herbal qualities and characteristics of cattail will also provide further insight.

Blackbirds are known for fiercely staking out their own territory, and they will often drive off any other of their kind that are in the vicinity. Because of this, the sight of two blackbirds sitting together is often considered a good omen. In Europe, blackbirds came to be associated with St. Kevin, and one story tells of how they nested in his hand. Again because of this association, to have blackbirds nesting in your environment is usually a beneficial sign. St. Kevin was known as a person of tremendous gentleness and love.

Europeans used to eat blackbirds in a pie, as reflected in the nursery rhyme. Most of the time though, live blackbirds were hidden in empty pie shells to provide amusement at gatherings. If the blackbird has come into your life as a totem, you will open up to new surprises and to a new understanding of the forces of Nature as they begin to migrate into your life.

Blackbirds are known for their hypnotic song, which is said to lull the waking mind to sleep and to awaken the psychic mind. The Blackbird teaches you how to use your voice for healing purposes.

"Blackbird medicine people love to sing and have the ability use their voice to heal and inform."
They are also good ventriloquists.

Black Bird People are learning to use their gifts and talents to manifest their dreams into physical reality. Blackbird people have a talent that is ready to be released to the world, for all to see and hear.

Blackbird is encouraging you to do it!

Bird People should remember that all birds are messengers from Great Spirit.

When Black Bird Medicine grabs your attention it is asking you to embrace your own talents and reveal them to the world. In the springtime, Blackbird is heard whistling beautiful songs from dawn until dusk. Blackbird cannot hold their talent back. Blackbird flies alone and does not typically form flocks. They may associate with other birds that share their same habitat, otherwise they are doing their own thing.

Even though Black Bird Medicine is an aggressive bird, the fight never lasts long. They are known for their melodious voice where they sing from high places such as; rooftops, trees and any other elevated perch. It is interesting how they enjoy standing alone singing and catching the attention of others. Humans recognize singing as a creative talent that not everyone masters. When Blackbird Medicine comes in front of you, it is asking you to recognize your creative talent. While this may not be singing, there is a talent that you should allow to shine. In other words, do not hide your Light under a bushel, sing it from the rooftops!

Adult male Blackbirds are easy to spot because of their yellow eye-ring and bill and they are often seen carrying their melodious tune from trees, rooftops and other elevated perches. When Blackbird builds a nest, it is with careful detail, attention and with a firm foundation.

Blackbird is so inspirational toward creativity, that The Beatles even wrote a song about him:

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free

Blackbird fly Blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night

Blackbird fly Blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

Black Bird's message is about your creative talent, building a firm foundation to create and paying close attention to the details while at the same time sharing your inspirational gifts with the world.

Blackbird is saying: you were only waiting for this moment to arise, you were only waiting for this moment to be free.

Blackbird medicine people have the ability to use their voice to heal.

KEYWORDS: totem animals - Those with blackbird totems make excellent shamans and trance channelers. black bird totem animal guide spirit guide animal totems bird totem black bird power powers of the blackbird qualities.

The blackbird male's distinctive song during breeding season is loud and melodious with flute like qualities. Males often sing from high perches and both sexes produce a variety of sounds which include mimicking other birds. Blackbird medicine people love to sing and have the ability to use their voice to heal and inform. They are also good ventriloquists. The blackbirds iridescent black plumage holds the energies of mysticism and magic.

Druid legends say that the birds of Rhiannan are 3 blackbirds which sit and sing in the World tree of other worlds. Their singing puts the listener into a sleep or a trance which enables him or her to travel to the otherworld. It was said to impart mystic secrets. Those with this medicine often have a hypnotic influence on others as well as an uncanny ability to move between the seen and unseen worlds with clarity. They make excellent shamans and trance channelers.

Blackbirds are timid and prefer their own company over the company of others. In humans shyness and insecurity in group settings is common. Vulnerable to outside influences those with this totem need to remember to clear accumulated influences from their energy field on a regular basis.

Blackbirds spend much of their time on the ground. Its locomotion includes walking, climbing and hopping forward and backwards. They forage for food in open spaces although cover is always near by. When foraging in leaf litter under trees they sound like people walking . In humans this suggests an ability to remain grounded in the earth energies while walking a spiritual path.

When resting the blackbird is frequently seen stretching, legs extended back, side wings in full extension, tail spread, and the head tilted to one side as if listening. Yoga and movement therapy are beneficial for those that hold this totem.

The blackbirds flights are low, short and undulating but fast and direct over open country. They move with determination and focus and can teach us how to do the same. When blackbird flies into your life your connection with nature and the forces of creation increase. The magic of the underworld surfaces in your life. Awareness is heightened and change on a cellular level begins. The blackbird teaches you how to acknowledge your power and use it to its fullest.

Blackbirds are, for some people, considered a good omen. Others believe that the Blackbird brings the lessons learned in meditation. It is also associated with travel to the Otherworld and the mysteries found there. Blackbird people are good to call upon when spiritual matters are at hand, and often, while rare, they are the best people to have when in a group.

The Yellow Headed Blackbird

Blackbirds with a yellow head oversee nature and nature spirits. The egg of yellow blackbird egg represents new life, bringing hope for the revitalization of the mistreated land.

Click the link below to go to VIDEO on the Blackbird power animal:

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Art by Sharonlee

Fascinating and illuminating compilation of information. We have blackbirds here in Australia;

The Common Blackbird was introduced to Australia at Melbourne in the 1850s. The male is the 'black' bird, with deep orange to yellow bill, a narrow yellow eye-ring and dark legs. The female is a brown bird, with some streaks or mottling, and has a dark bill and legs. Immature birds are similar to the female with lighter underparts.


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