Working With The Animal Totems
SPIRIT of the ABALONE: Calmness, tranquility, protection, fertility, womanhood, intuitive and psychic development, harmony, peace and purity.
The shell of abalone looks like a kind of shield. It's no surprise then that it has protective and healing qualities. It brings safety from harm and emotional balance. It can protect the heart - in the physical and metaphysical aspects. It also is said to boost the immune system and assist digestion.
It can is used for anti-inflammatory properties. It assists with joint disorders, cases of arthritis, and even skin flare-ups.
If you believe in the psychic powers of ancient organic gemstones, the abalone stone has much to offer.
It can stimulate psychic development such as intuition. It can improve your ability to express your emotions with clarity. this can encourage cooperation with those around you at work and in your personal life.
Perhaps your work or family life is stressful at the moment. The shell gemstone will attract tranquility and clarity of mind.
Many swear by its ability to help us work through emotional situations, be they now or things that happened far in our past or past lives. Let's look at other meanings and uses of abalone stone or shell.
The chakras linked to the shell of abalone are the third eye, the crown, and the heart. These are areas linked to intuition, that harmonize with the intuitive properties attached to the shell of the abalone.
Abalone is a variety of mollusks or sea snails with feet and tentacles. Its ear-shaped shells are made up of microscopic pieces of calcium carbonate, stacked one on top of the other, almost like tiny Lego blocks.
Each of these brick-like layers has a clingy protein material between them. This adds to the exceptional strength of the abalone shell.
Abalone mollusks grow by feeding on seaweed such as kelp. The different varieties of seaweed create different colors in their shell as they grow.
The concentric rings you can see on the outside of an adult abalone shell are evidence of the changes in the seaweed diet of the mollusk.
Abalone mollusks can repair minor damage to their own shells. This might be caused by otters or even humans trying to remove them from rocks.
Perhaps this is where Mother-of-Pearl's symbolism of strength and healing comes from. Not only exceptionally strong, but the abalone shell is also exceptionally beautiful and deeply symbolic.
There are over a hundred varieties of abalone worldwide. They are generally found in cold, coastal waters such as those of New Zealand, South Africa, Australia, the West of North America, and Japan. In Africa, it is now a $35,000,000 industry.
Those mollusks with vibrant, iridescent shells are the most popular for use in jewelry. Turning these shells to the light can reveal many hues, from turquoise, peacock green and blue to rose pink, purple and gold shimmer.
Abalone shell can vary from a few inches to seven inches in length. This means that jewelry coming from the shells varies in size and shape.
The uses of the abalone might surprise you. It is used as an inspiration for makeup palettes, wedding themes, in tiles and laminates in home decoration.
The iridescent colors and deeply spiritual meaning bring special attributes to the homes decorated with it.
The shell has special meaning in many cultures and has spiritual properties. Let's look at the spiritual histories of the abalone shell.
The Maori people of New Zealand call abalone Paua. It can be found in the coastal waters off of New Zealand.
Paua shells are usually about five inches and oval-shaped. The Maori people eat the meat of the shell, which is a Maori delicacy. They then use the shell to make jewelry and other special gifts for trading.
The Maori people used this shell in warrior artwork. They would use it as the eyes of these warrior and other demi-God figures.
Contemporary art in New Zealand still incorporates these spiritual shells into their craft.
They believe the shell strengthens the body and the heart of the wearer. With a stronger heart and body, the person is thought to be able to communicate their feelings more clearly.
The Maori believe the Paua will bring connectivity and harmony to relationships.
The way the colors of the shell shift in the light is also a symbol of change and transition in Maori culture.
Perhaps you have had a big life change and found this article for a reason. Abalone jewelry might be the symbol to represent the change, and to protect you in the next phase of your life, as it does for Maori people.
In some Native American cultures, the shell of the abalone is to burn sage.
They believe the combined spiritual power of abalone and sage would take their messages to their Gods.
The smoke of the sage is used to cleanse evil spirits. This is used in modern-day cleaners also, which we explore later.
There is an Apache story that explains the significance of this shell in their ancient culture.
The Apache nation believes there is a connection between the shell and the first woman - known as White Painted Woman. She is also known as Esdzanadehe or Changing Woman. She survives a flood in the shell of an abalone.
As the floodwaters recede, she walks the land. She is impregnated by the sun and has a son. This son becomes the Killer of Enemies, protecting her from evil.
She is later impregnated by the rain and births the Son of Water. At the end of the White Painted woman's life, she walks east until she finds her young self. The two merge, and in this way, she is born over and over again, through endless generations.
This is why the puberty ceremony for Apache girls - the Sunrise Ceremony, involves the shell of the abalone. It is a symbol of their new womanhood fusing with previous generations of the White Painted Woman.
The shell is a way through which apache girls connect to their spiritual heritage.
They wear the abalone shell on their forehead during the puberty ritual. The abalone power teaches the girls of their spiritual power as women, and their ability to heal, as they 'become a woman'.
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