Working With The Animal Totems
SPIRIT of the SKUNK ~ Symbol of Self Respect, Reputation, Sensuality, Self-esteem, Presence
Keywords: Respect, Courtesy, Charisma, Charm, Confidence, Protection, Pacifism, Unique Skills or Talents, Clear Judgment, Serenity, Peace, Love, Romance.
Skunks are a member of the weasel family and in North America, there are four types of skunks. About the size of a house cat, skunks are active at night but are also seen during the day. Their habitat is in clearings, pastures, prairies and at the forest edge where they dig burrows or live in any convenient covered area. Skunks prefer to eat meat and insects but also dine on vegetation and any food with a strong odor. Of course, it's most famous characteristic is its horrendous defense system, skunk ink.
When a Skunk enters into your experience, it means you need to begin to be more assertive and stand your ground as necessary. Don’t let yourself be manipulated or pushed around. Make your self-respect and dignity a top priority, offering the same respect to others. You are taking yourself far too seriously and need to relax, play, and trust that everything is all right. It is a good time to deal directly and honestly with that person in your life whom you find so irritating and overbearing. Your sensuality and sexuality are in a heightened state right now, so explore the uses of natural scents and essential oils.
SKUNK: Excerpts from Animal Speak by Ted Andrews.
The skunk is one of the most widely recognized mammals, but it is also one of the most misunderstood. It is a very powerful totem with mystical and magical associations. Just look at how people respond to it. They show great respect for it and what it can do. This is part of what skunk teaches. It teaches how to give respect, expect respect, and demand respect. It helps you to recognize your own qualities and to assert them.
The skunk does not get out of the way of any animal. It moves along at its own speed, with its own mind. It is self-assured and confident in itself. If skunk has shown up, it can be to help you with this particular aspect. It can teach you how to be more self-assured and how to assert yourself.
Skunks are fearless, but they are also very peaceful. They move slowly and calmly, and they only spray as a last resort. Because they are peaceable by nature, they always give warnings before spraying. This warning involves three stages. First, it will stamp its feet and turn its back to you. Second it will raise its tail up, as the gland which sprays is located underneath it. When the third step arrives, it is usually too late. After raising the tail, the skunk will look back over its shoulder. This is to line up the correct angle for spraying. Once the skunk has seen you over its shoulder, it is too late.
The skunk can spray 1245 feet with tremendous accuracy. It can repeat the spraying five to six times before it must build up again naturally. The spray is an irritating chemical. It won't kill, but it can sting the eyes and numb the senses. Sometimes a skunk can show up as a totem to teach us how to get more attention without being arrogant and irritating. Sometimes it shows up to help us deal with those people in our life who are outrageously irritating. Tomato juice is still the one thing which helps to eliminate skunk odor. Those with this totem may find they have a sensitivity to tomato, or a need for more within their life. The qualities and characteristics of the tomato should be studied as it is part of the contrary or balancing medicine associated with the skunk.
The skunk smell is one that almost everyone can recognize. This has links to how skunk awakens in others a greater recognition of you and your own abilities. The sense of smell also has ties to sensuality and sexuality. Research is currently being conducted that reveals the various connections between fragrance and sexual response. This includes work with pheromones and studies that reveal a surprising similarity between the cells of and response of the olfactory nerves, and those within the genitalia.
The skunk is a solitary animal for the most part. Skunks can remind us that there are times best for drawing people and there are times best to avoid people. Finding the correct balance is what can ensure prosperity.
There are two main types of skunk-spotted and striped. The striped is the most common and most easily recognized. It actually has a double stripe that runs from its head to its tail. This stripe, whether single or double, is an indication of the active flow of the kundalini or life force. (The kundalini has ties to the sexual energies and to the life force that is active in every aspect of our life processes.) In individuals with this totem, the kundalini is usually already active. Skunk shows up at a time to amplify and to teach the control and use of this life force more effectively.
Skunks are usually quite silent, so it is good for those with this totem not to blow their own horns. It will backfire and only serve to push others away. Sit back and let others do the noticing for you.
Skunks are very adaptable and this is what those with this totem must also learn. Skunk can teach you when its best to be noticed and how to go about it most effectively. They are carnivorous, but they will eat almost anything, particularly insects, berries, and fruit. Skunk does its hunting at night.
When skunk shows up as a totem you are going to have opportunities to bring out new respect and self esteem. It indicates lessons and times associated with increased sensuality physically, sexually, psychically, and spiritually. Examine your self-image. Remember that people are going to notice you. How they notice and remember can be controlled by you. This is what skunk can help teach.
For all recorded time, skunks have been respected and feared. When threatened, the skunk raises its bushy tail, stamps its feet, stiffens its legs and the hair on body raises up and it hisses like a angry cat. It these tactics do not work to frighten the invader, the skunk simply turns its rump and sprays up to 10 - 14 feet with accuracy. This disgusting musk liquid irritates the eyes, temporarily blocks vision and stuns other senses of its victim such as smell and touch. What the skunk spirit teaches with this display of power is unknown to this writer as we have never ventured close enough to find out. Regardless, we can surmise the skunk 'medicine' teaches us to take heed when a warning presents itself. When our instincts tell us there is danger or trouble facing us, we should not allow our brain to get in the way, but instead follow our senses and take appropriate steps to move in another direction. If we respect the instinctual part of our being we can avoid problems before they develop. If our stinky little friend appears, take heed - a smelly situation or danger is not far away.
Skunks are solitary creatures (no doubt), slow moving and walk with an air confidence and pride. If you get a whiff of skunk spirit in your dreams, it could be signal to emulate his message to improve your self-esteem and honor yourself as a sacred being.
Skunks are quiet creatures, not totally unsociable, but reserved and unobtrusive. Should our odorous little friend visit you as spirit, it may be to remind you that being egotistical, self-righteous, boisterous or overbearing creates problems. Follow the way of this animal guide (about 20 feet away) and learn to be humble and gentle with others.
It is said the white stripe from the head to tail of the skunk is a sign of creativity and good medicine.
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