Totem Talk

Working With The Animal Totems

SPIRIT of the SEAL and the SEA LION: Imagination, Creativity, Dreaming

Overflowing emotions, Beginning of love, Expressing inner emotions, Finding pleasure in love, Fertile ideas

SEAL Facts and Information:



Seal's Wisdom Includes:

* Protection during change
* Lucid dreaming
* Protection from danger
* Movement through emotions
* Creativity

SEAL: Symbol of Balance, Intuition, Discovery of Inner Voice

The Seal has an inherant sense of balance, and lives in the water but gives birth on land. Seals do not have external ears, but hear from within, which symbolizes our ability to listen to our inner voice. Seals swim comfortably both above and below the water - this totem signifies an ability to experience both the inner and outer worlds and to discover the mysteries inside each of us. This can bring about a balance to steady the problems of life.

The Seal

Seals are at home in the water but give birth on land. During the mating season the males can engage in ferocious battles one minute and be playful and amusing the next. Seals have the agility to move from anger to complete calm. Being excellent swimmers they know how to flow with the ever changing currents. If seal pops its head into your life you are being asked to review the ebb and flow of your thoughts and emotions and maintain a point of balance.

Water is a creative element and represents the feminine imagination and intuition. When a seal appears in your life it is a signal to pay close attention to your imagination and insight both in the dreamtime and in the waking state. Much of what your imagining may have, and usually does, a strong basis in reality no matter how far fetched it appears.

Seals do not have external ears, just small openings. This signifies its kinship with their inner voice and can show those with this totem how to listen to the sound within. That sound is a inherent part of ones creative, imaginative powers.

Seals swim above and beneath the water enabling them to experience both the inner and outer worlds. They teach those with this totem how to flow, how to hear, and how to discover the deeper mysteries of their true nature. There are no limits to the creative energies stimulated by this medicine. The seal is the keeper of wisdom and shows us what is hidden deep within ourselves. They teach us how to integrate the our imagination with the reasoning power of the intellect. Doing this promotes balance and harmony on all levels.

Seal Sea Lion Power Animal Symbol Of Inner Voice  by Ina Woolcott

Seal’s medicine includes protection during change, dreaming and lucid dreaming, imagination, creativity, protection from danger, movement through emotions, the inner voice

Celtic beliefs imply the human connection to animals is literal. It is believed that animals have the power to change into human form, and that entire clans are descended from the union of these animal people and humans. Dogs, wolves and cats are some of these animals, and one of the most common associations is with seal-people (selchies).Whether one believes this to be literally true or not, this is a powerful suggestion that we are more closely linked to the animals than we may think, and may inspire us to look into these connections in more depth.

Seals spend much of their lives in the sea, but they give birth on land. This shows us that there are 2 necessary things that help fulfil our dreams and visions. These are formed deep within us, and are nurtured through the power of our ability to envision them using all our senses. They are most easily made ‘real’ by us when we implement practical and material acts. a lot of the time when us humans are ‘creating’ something, the feeling side of things is absent.

During the mating season, males can partake in extremely savage battles one minute and be playful and amusing the next. Seals have the agility to move from anger to complete calm.

Seals are (obviously) sea mammals, and are highly symbolic of our feeling, sensual selves. The seal helps us to remember our connection to our deep inner rhythms, feelings, and knowing, as represented by the sea. As humans generally believe themselves to be apart from ‘animals’, when really we are a-part of them, we often fight giving in to these deep rhythms and are afraid of ‘losing’ what we consider to be ourselves. When we are afraid of drowning in these depths, Seal being a good swimmer and knowing how to flow with the ever changing current, reminds us how to swim with the current. When we do this the negative feelings we have created such as worry, fear and anxiety are released from our minds. If seal enters your life, you are being asked to review the ebb and flow of your thoughts and emotions and find and keep up a point of balance.

Water is a creative element and symbolises the feminine imagination and intuition. If the seal appears in your life, pay close attention to your imagination and insight – in the waking state and in dreamtime. A lot of what you imagine generally has a strong basis in reality, no matter how far-off it may seem. People with seal as a power animal are generally highly imaginative and very creative. They will need activities that channel and direct this. The Seal/Sea Lion can show you how to develop and focus your imagination.

Rather than having external ears, seals have small openings. This shows their deep affinity with their inner voice, and can show you how to listen to your inner self, balance your life to it. Your dreams will become more vivid and significant.

Seals swim both below and above water, giving them the ability to experience both the inner and outer worlds.

They teach those with this totem how to flow, how to hear, and how to discover the deeper mysteries of their true nature. Seals are keepers of wisdom. They reveal to us what is hidden deep within ourselves, and teach us how to integrate our imagination with the reasoning power of the intellect. This will give balance and harmony on all levels.

The seal which is so sleek and gorgeous in the water, teaches us how to feel at home in our bodies, and to uncover our inner beauty.


Theories of origins:

One folklorist theory of the origin of the belief is that the selkies were actually fur-clad Finns, traveling by kayak.

These pages have a lot of information about "The Selchies" as well.
Some fascinating insights into possible connections with a SEAL animal totem.

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