Working With The Animal Totems
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AngelaBlackMoon has not received any gifts yet
I warn you, whoever you are. Oh you who wish to explore the mysteries of Nature, if you can not find what you are looking inside yourself you can not even find out. If you ignore the wonders of your home, how do you expect to find other wonders? In thee is hidden the Treasure of the Gods. Oh Man, know thyself and know the Universe and the Gods Oracle of Delphi
I'm a Pagan Mystic , Druid and priestess, and Shaman
Proud Pagan . Gorgon of Intellectual perversion . I'm the Black Moon, live in the land beyond the sea, with the latest and outcasts like me .
I am pagan, I'm a Polytheist "are followers of the old pre-Christian religions.
Are what is commonly called a witch, I began the journey druid, I'm a priestess of ancient practice witchcraft, occult studies, shamanism, voodoo, Santeria, ( Esoteric & Occult, Alchemy, Anthroposophy, Astrology, Esoteric Buddhism, Esoteric Christianity, Clairvoyance, Enlightenment, Esotericism, Esoterism, ESP, Freemasonry, Golden Dawn, Gnosis, Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Holy Grail, Initiation, Integral thought, Kabbalah, Karma, Meditation, Metaphysics, Mysticism, Magic, Numerology, Occultism, Philosophy, Psychic, Psychokinesis, Qabalah, Reincarnation, Religion, Ritual Magic, Rosicrucianism, Spirituality, Spiritual Science, Sufism, Supernatural, Tarot, Telepathy, Theosophy, Vedanta, Wisdom, Yoga, etc ) I love to learn, grow, help.
I love many other things that are already scary.
I love old cemeteries species as those with Gothic architecture and strange, the tombs, I love the gothic (clothes) I love the macabre as a form of conceptual art, Art Death, Funerary Rituals, etc..
I love the silence, I love the night, I like to read sacred texts, the texts of witchcraft and magic, the sacred texts of ancient tantric sex magic, and of every faith, love listening to heavy metal and classical music, I love the sacred chants from any religion, but mystical music, art music.poetry and literature of all forms
I love animals and nature, I love to spend hours looking at them in silence, listening to them.
I love the water, rivers, oceans.
I really like knives, and guns (I do not own guns), bow, and crossbow.
They are a mix of strange things:
I love me, or
I hate it.
There is no middle ground.
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incoming :-)
If you want a true friend,then I am the person you search.
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