Linda Siska


Grass Valley

United States

Profile Information:

Please tell us a little bit about yourself
I am a second level Old scholar with a server casting. I take great joy in my garden, in my lovely, old Victorian house, and in the community in which I live. I have a husband of 50 years, two grown children, and two young grandchildren that I don't get to see nearly often enough.
What brings you to this website?
I was invited to join by Terri.
Do you have a special animal totem that has come to you?
I feel a strong connection to snowy owl, black crow, and brown bear. My animal allies for this platform are seal and eel, with a power assist by lynx.
What are some of your favorite Shamanic Journeying CD's, Musicians, and Music?
I don't have any favorites in the music realm, but I have read extensively from Hank Wesselman's collection of books. I don't seem to have any particular gift for journeying.
How did you find us?
Through Terri.

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